Episode 636
Worldvision Rerun 422
Tape Date: November 22, 1968 (ABC #241-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 2, 1968 Monday
Writer: Sam Hall
Director: Lela Swift
Having shot Adam, Barnabas runs over to him and drags him
from the controls. Adam is very weak, and so is Barnabas. Julia
turns the power off. Adam flees, running upstairs. Julia tells
Barnabas that they must find and save Adam or else he, Barnabas,
will revert to being a vampire, but Barnabas insists that it’s more
important that they stay and take care of Vicky. Julia, sounding
irked by Barnabas’ attitude, asks, “Would you like me to make plans
for the rest of the evening too? Would you like me to have Willie
prepare a coffin for you? That’s what your risking”. Barnabas replies,
“I already made that decision when I shot Adam” and tells Julia that
they must stay and make sure Vicky is all right. He tells Julia they
must take Vicky back to Collinwood because he doesn’t want Vicky
waking up in the lab.
Adam sneaks into Stokes’ house. No one is there. The phone
rings. Adam answers it. It is Jeff Clark. Jeff asks to speak
to Stokes, but Adam, without saying a word, just hangs up.
Barnabas and Julia bring Vicky back to Collinwood to her
own room and put her in bed. Vicky awakens. They ask her what
she remembers. Vicky replies that she remembers being kidnapped
by Adam, taken somewhere, strapped down, and subjected to great
pain. Barnabas and Julia tells Vicky that she had indeed been
kidnapped by Adam, but that the rescued her. They manage to
convince her that her other memories were all a nightmare.
They assure her she needn’t fear Adam any longer, but she is
still afraid and asks Barnabas to stay with her until morning.
Afraid that he may revert to being a vampire during that time,
Barnabas tells Vicky he can’t and asks Julia to stay with Vicky
Stokes returns home and finds a wounded Adam there. He tries
to telephone a doctor, but Adam won’t let him. Stokes tries
to convince Adam to let him call a doctor, and Adam eventually
agrees to let him, as long as the doctor isn’t Julia Hoffman. Stokes
calls another doctor friend of his and tells him that he has a
patient who needs to be treated “with discretion”.
It is some time later. Adam is sitting on the couch, wearing
a red plaid shirt instead of his customary green turtleneck.
Stokes’ doctor friend has apparently already come, treated Adam’s
gunshot wound and left, as Stokes, holding a pill bottle, tells
Adam, “He said you were to take one of these every two hours
to ward off infection”. Adam takes a pill and washes it down with
a glass of water. Adam apparently having told Stokes about Eve’s
murder, Stokes remarks, “So, you killed Eve. You must learn to choose
your friends more carefully. I suppose it was my fault. I started
teaching you, but stopped before I was finished. But now I have
a second chance to teach you”. Adam moans, “But no one will ever
love me, I’m too ugly”. Stokes tells him, “That’s the easiest part to
take care of. These days, anyone can be made handsome. I know a doctor
who can take care of that. If you don’t like the old Adam, we’lll
make a new one”. The door buzzer rings. Stokes asks, “Who is it?”
A voice replies, “Jeff Clark”. Stokes tells Adam, “Go into the
bedroom!” Adam quickly opens a door to the left of the fireplace,
goes in and shuts the door behind him*. Stokes lets Jeff in. Jeff
tells Stokes he had tried to telephone him before coming, but someone
picked the the phone and hung up without speaking. Stokes tells Jeff
he must have dialed a wrong number, saying, “I wasn’t even home. I’ve
just come back. Actually, I was out finding these herbs I told you
about. But once again, I advise you against this…” Jeff replies
that he doesn’t care about the risks, that he just has to remember
his past, and if these herbs will help him do so, he’ll try them. As
they are talking, Jeff eagerly opens the packet and before Stokes can
stop him, takes out a leaf and eats it. Stokes is shocked and exclaims,
“What are you doing?! It must be controlled! The ritual is the only
way to control it!” He tells Jeff, “Sit down at this table. I will do
the proper incantations and every time I pause, you are to eat a leaf”.
They do the ritual outlined by Stokes. Jeff starts to remember
his past. Stokes asks, “What is your name?” Jeff replies, “Peter
Bradford”. Stokes asks, “And what was your mother’s name?” Jeff
answers, “Nora”. Stokes asks, “And you father’s?” Jeff answers,
“Caleb”. Stokes asks, “When were you born?” Jeff replies, “In
Deerfield in 1770″. Stokes asks, “Why did you come to our century?”
Jeff replies, “I love her! I love her!” and explains that it was out
of his love of Vicky that he found a way. Suddenly, Peter/Jeff finds
himself being pulled back into the past, screaming, “I’m going back!
I can see the road! No! No!”. The herbs have proven dangerous, just
as Stokes warned. Peter exclaims, “I have to see her again! Please!
Help me see her once more! They’re pulling me back! I don’t want
to go unless I see her once more! Vicky! Vicky!”
In her room at Collinwood, Vicky somehow hears Peter’s calls.
She gets up and leaves the room. Julia, who’s fallen asleep in
a chair, does not see her go.
When Vicky arrives at Stokes’ house, the ritual is still
going on. Stokes tells Vicky that Jeff is indeed Peter Bradford.
Jeff tells Vicky he’s being pulled back into the past, that he
has to see her one last time. Vicky grabs Jeff and tells him
she won’t let him be pulled back, that her love for him can
keep him in the present. They kiss. It works. Jeff is not
pulled back into the past. Vicky announces, “We’ll be married
tonight!”. Jeff agrees, “Tonight!”
* This is the last we see of Adam. It is never explained what
happens to him.
Episode 637
Worldvision Rerun 423
Tape Date: November 25, 1968 (ABC #242-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 3, 1968 Tuesday
Writer: Gordon Russell
Director: Lela Swift
Vicky and Jeff – who now has full recall of his past – return to
Collinwood. The clock in the foyer reads 2:50 AM. In the drawing room,
Jeff is now again having second thoughts about marrying and tells
Vicky, “I’m really not here. I belong to the past. Marrying
me would be like marrying a corpse”, but Vicky assures him that their
love for each other will keep him firmly in the future. He reminds
her, “I’m still a suspect in Eve’s murder”, but Vicky tells him, “No,
Roger went and told the police you were with him at Eagle Hill
cemetary at the time of the murder”. Jeff worries, “I hope he didn’t
tell them what I was doing there”. Vicky assures him that Roger
didn’t. Elizabeth comes into the room and says, “Mrs. Johnson said
you wanted to see me.” Vicky tells her, “We’re going to be married
and we need a witness”. Elizabeth asks, “When?” Vicky replies, “Now”.
Elizabeth exclaims, “But it’s almost 3:00 in the morning!” Vicky
replies, “We’ve already decided. The justice of the peace has
already been called”.
The justice of the peace arrives and marries Jeff and Vicky.
Vicky and Jeff go to a room at the Collinsport Inn and open a bottle
of champagne to celebrate. Vicky toasts, “To our future, Jeff”.
Jeff replies, “To our future”. He continues to worry about being
pulled into the past. Vicky continues to assure that her love
will keep him here.
At 4:00 AM, Barnabas and Julia return to Collinwood, their
search for Adam having been fruitless. They wonder where Adam
could be. Barnabas remarks, “He couldn’t have gotten very far
with a bullet in his back”. Julia reminds him, “You forget. Adam
is much stronger than most men”. Barnabas replies, “But he’s not
immortal. If he dies, I will revert to being a vampire”. He
agonizes over how terrible it is to be a vampire. Julia reminds
him, “There’s another danger we’ve got to take care of. Angelique.
We’ve got to stake her”, but Barnabas protests that they can’t because
he can’t remember where her coffin is because he was under Angelique’s
spell at the time. Julia asks him to try hard to remember. Barnabas
thinks, “We always met in the woods…then we went to Eagle Hill
Cemetary…That’s it! The old crypt!” He vows, “I want to drive
that stake into her heart myself!” They decide to go there in the
morning. Elizabeth comes into the room. She tells them, “Vicky’s
just left. She’s in town with Jeff. They were married, just about
an hour ago”. Barnabas is shocked.
The next morning, the clock strikes 6:00. Julia awakens from a
couple of hours of sleep and goes down into the drawing room. She
finds Barnabas sitting there and asks, “You didn’t get any rest?”
Barnabas moans, “Why did she do it? Why did she marry him?” Julia
replies, “She’s in love with him. You must accept that”. Barnabas
says, “I’ll accept it and wish her happiness…” Julia tells him,
“It’s dawn. We have to go”.
Barnabas and Julia go to Eagle Hill Cemetary, hammer and
stake ready. They find Angelique’s coffin right where Barnabas
said it would be. Julia finds Blair’s magic mirror lying on the
floor, broken, and asks, “What’s that?” Barnabas wonders, “A broken
mirror. What’s that doing here?”. They open Angelique’s coffin but
find it is empty. They wonder where Angelique could be. Julia suggests
that she might be at Blair’s house, but Barnabas tells her that he
has the feeling they won’t find her there, that she’s gone, but
says, “She may be gone now, but she’ll be back…”
In Jeff’s hotel room, Vicky gives Jeff a gift – a watch. Jeff
reads the inscription on it, “To Jeff: I will love you forever.
Vicky”. Jeff starts to reminisce about what happened to them in the
18th century – Trask, the trial, etc. He remarks, “It’s so vivid,
almost as if it were happening right now”. Suddenly, he exclaims,
“They’re pulling me back!” Vicky tries to hold him, but Peter
tells her the pull is much stronger that it was at Stokes’ house.
Vicky goes to the phone and starts dialing frantically, telling
Peter she’s calling Stokes, saying maybe Stokes can help. But before
Vicky can reach Stokes, Peter shouts, “I’m going back! But I love
you, Vicky, I love you!” and vanishes. Vicky moans, “No! Jeff!”
Episode 638
Worldvision Rerun 424
Tape Date: November 26, 1968 (ABC #243-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 4, 1968 Wednesday
Writer: Ron Sproat
Director: Lela Swift
Vicky goes back to Collinwood, goes into the drawing room and
faints. It is now morning. Elizabeth wakes up, goes down into the
drawing room and finds Vicky there. Elizabeth revives Vicky and asks
her, “What are you doing here?” Vicky replies, “I didn’t know where
else to go!” and tells Elizabeth what happened to Jeff. Elizabeth
doesn’t know what to make of the incredible story.
Maggie awakens in her own bed at the Evan’s cottage. She is
surprised to find that Julia is with her and asks, “What are you
doing here in my room?” Julia asks Maggie what the last thing
she remembers is. Maggie replies that the last thing she remembers
is being in the cottage in the afternoon. Julia tells her, “It’s
afternoon now, but not the afternoon you remember. It’s 24 hours
later. You’ve blocked an entire day from your memory”. Maggie
is puzzled. Julia tells her that sometimes people block out
very unpleasant events from their memory. Maggie asks what
happened. Julia lies, “Yeterday afternoon, you went to Nicholas
Blair, told him you wouldn’t marry him, and fainted. You didn’t
wake up until now”. Maggie tells Julia, “I can’t believe I
turned Nicholas down”. Julia tells Maggie, “Nicholas told me
to say goodbye to you for him. He’s gone to Europe on business and
said he’ll probably never return to Collinsport”. The phone rings.
Maggie answers. It’s Elizabeth. She tells Maggie she wants
to talk to Julia. Maggie gives the phone to Julia. Elizabeth
tells Julia that something’s wrong with Vicky and asks Julia
to examine her. Maggie, hearing that it’s something about Vicky,
tells Julia she wants to go along.
At Collinwood, Vicky vows to find Jeff.
Julia and Maggie arrive at Collinwood, Maggie stays downstairs
while Julia goes upstairs to examine Vicky. Upstairs, Julia finds that
Vicky is just suffering from shock. She gives her a sedative. Vicky
asks, “Could you do me a favor? Could you call Professor Stokes
for me and asks him to come see me tonight?”, but Julia tells her,
“It would be best if you didn’t see anyone tonight. Tomorrow,
perhaps”. Elizabeth comes into the room and tells Julia, “There’s
a young man downstairs who says he wants to see you”. Julia goes
downstairs and finds Maggie arguing with Chris Jennings in the
drawing room. Maggie shouts at Chris, “You’re cruel and heartless!”.
Chris replies, “I sorry it has to be this way, but it does”. Julia
tells Maggie, “You can see Vicky now”. Maggie leaves to do so.
Chris gives Julia some money, telling her it’s for Amy’s care.
Julia asks, “Why give it to me?” Chris tells Julia that he’s changed
his mind and is leaving town. Julia, like Maggie, finds this
heartless and starts to argue with him, asking him why he’s leaving,
but Chris refuses to tell her. He tells her, “I have a good reason,
but I can’t tell you what it is”.
Maggie, meanwhile, has gone upstairs to see Vicky. They
talk. Suddenly, Vicky gets hysterical and starts screaming.
Frightened, Maggie calls for Elizabeth and Julia. They come.
Vicky says Peter is in the room, saying, “His hand! Jeff’s hand!
I felt it touch my cheek!”, but Elizabeth, Julia and Maggie see
While everyone else is upstairs, Chris looks at the clock,
sees that its 5:30 PM and leaves.
Julia and Elizabeth come back downstairs. Julia gets a
telephone call from Windcliff telling her Amy has escaped.
Julia tries to find Chris, but finds that he’s left. While
Julia tries to handle the situation, Elizabeth leaves,
saying she’s going to the old house to tell Barnabas about
Vicky. The clock reads 6:50.
Upstairs, Maggie is with Vicky. Vicky appears to have
calmed down. Suddenly, the door opens by itself. Maggie
tells Vicky, “It’s only the wind”, but Vicky cries, “It’s
Peter!” and runs out into the hallway. Maggie follows.
Vicky tells Maggie, “Peter’s gone. I don’t feel his presence
anymore”. Maggie again tries to tell Vicky, “It was only
the wind”, but Vicky finds something on the floor of the
hallway – a watch. She picks it up and tells Maggie, “It’s
the watch I gave Jeff as a wedding present”. Maggie asks,
“How can you be so sure it’s the same one?” Vicky tells Maggie
to read the inscription inside. Maggie reads it, “To Jeff.
I will always love you. Vicky”.
Elizabeth is walking through the woods on the way to the
old house. Hearing a low growling sound, she turns to see
what it is, exclaims, “No! Don’t come near me!” and screams.
Episode 639
Worldvision Rerun 425
Tape Date: November 27, 1968 (ABC #244-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 5, 1968 Thursday
Writer: Gordon Russell
Director: Lela Swift
Whatever it is suddenly leaves. Elizabeth turns and sees
a little girl of about 9 years of age standing there. The little
girl is Amy Jennings, whom Elizabeth doesn’t know. Elizabeth
asks the girl, “Did you see what it was?” The girl replies, “Some
sort of animal. It ran away when it saw me”, then tell Elizabeth,
“My name is Amy Jennings. I’m looking for my brother”. Elizabeth
tells the girl, “We’d better go before it comes back” and takes the
girl to Collinwood.
At Collinwood, Julia is surprised to see Elizabeth come in
with Amy. She asks Elizabeth, “Where did you find her?”. Elizabeth
replies, “She found ME”. Julia asks, “What happened?” Elizabeth
says, “I’d better sit down” and collapses into a chair. She tells
Julia “I was almost attacked by some sort of wild animal! It ran when
it saw the little girl”. Julia asks, “What kind of wild animal?”
Elizabeth replies, “It appeared to be some kind of wolf”. She
continues, “You might think I’m crazy, but although I only caught
a glance of it, it appeared to be dressed like a man!” Julia tells
Elizabeth that the little girl is Amy Jennings, the sister of Chris
Jennings who escaped from Windcliff. Elizabeth remarks, “Oh, of course.
I just didn’t make the connection”. Julia tells Elizabeth that she’s
calling the police to take Amy back to Windcliff. Amy begs her not to,
saying, “Now Chris is back, he can take care of me!” Elizabeth,
grateful that Amy “rescued” her, tells Julia to wait until morning
to decided whether to send Amy back, and let her spend the night
at Collinwood. David happens to walk into the room. Elizabeth
introduces Amy to him, tells him Amy is spending the night, and
tells him to take Amy up to a room. After David takes Amy upstairs,
Julia asks Elizabeth to tell her more about the attack. Elizabeth
remarks, “It’s strange, but it almost seemed like the animal was
AFRAID of Amy the way it ran when it saw her”.
David takes Amy up to her room. He is showing her some seashells.
Amy remarks, “They’re pretty. Where did you get them?” David
replies, “On the beach. I’ve got a whole collection in my room.
I’ll show them to you tomorrow”. Amy replies, “I won’t be here
tomorrow. I’m going back to Windcliff tomorrow”. David says,
“Maybe next time, then”. There’s a storm outside, with lots of
thunder and lightning. David asks Amy if she’s frightened of
the thunder and lightning. Amy replies, “No, they can’t really
hurt you”. David corrects her, “Yes they can! If lightning hits
you, it could KILL you!” He tells her, “I guess if you’re not
afraid, I’ll go then”, but Amy begs, “Don’t! Stay and talk!”
They go to look into the fire and talk. Amy asks, “What’s it like
living here?” David replies, “It’s just like living anywhere else”.
Amy protests, “But it’s so big! I’ve never seen a house this big!
How many rooms does it have? There must be a hundred rooms here!”
David repiles, “I don’t know. I bet no one’s ever counted them.
But it’s so big there’s a whole wing we don’t even use. The west wing
has been closed for a long time”. Amy asks, “Why do they keep it
closed?” David replies, “I’d better not tell you. It’d keep you
awake all night”. Amy asks, “Is it haunted?” David replies, “Maybe”.
Amy says, “You’re just trying to scare me”. David insists, “No I’m
not! If you weren’t leaving tomorrow, I’d take you there and show
you”. Amy asks, “Show me what?” David replies, “The ghosts!”
Amy asks, “Why don’t you take me there now?” David replies, “All
right. We’ll have to go to my room and get a flashlight first”.
David takes Amy into the West Wing. They have great fun
exploring around. Amy points at an old portrait and asks, “Who’s
that?” David replies, “Thaddeus Collins. He was alive during the
Civil War”. Amy points to a room and asks, “What in there?” David
replies, “OH! That’s a storage room! If you like exploring, that’s
the place to do it! It’s got everything in there!” They go in. David
tells Amy, “This is one of the rooms that’s supposed to be haunted”.
Amy asks, “Is it?” David replies, “No, nothing’s ever happened to
me in this room”. He starts to suggest that they go to another room
where there’s a secret passage, but Amy suddenly exclaims, “Look! On
the floor! A telephone!” On the floor is a very old-fashioned type of
telephone where the mouthpiece is on the base and the earpiece is
connected by a wire. It is sitting there, disconnected. David
suggests that they start playing a game and pretend that the people
who used to live here are still here. Amy suggests, “Why don’t we
pretend to talk to them on the phone?”. She picks up the receiver
and starts speaking, “Hello, my name is Amy Jennings. What’s
yours?…That’s a nice name. Where do you live?…Somewhere
near this place?…If David and I come looking for you, could we
see you?….Hold on”. She tells David, “David! You’re right! The
West Wing IS haunted! I think the man I’m talking to is a ghost!”
David tells her, “Stop pretending!”, but Amy replies, “No! There really
is someone on this phone!” David asks, “All right, so what’s this
ghost’s name?” Amy replies, “He says his name is Quentin Collins”.
David, sounding dubious, remarks, “I’ve never heard of a Quentin
Collins”. Amy tells him, “If you don’t believe me, listen for
yourself”. David takes the receiver and, says, “Hello? Hello?” and
listens, but hearing nothing, starts to remarks to Amy, “That’s
funny. You’re ghost seems to have lost his voice…”, but stops
when he suddenly hears the sound of breathing from the other end,
then the sound of someone hanging up…
They take the phone back to Amy’s room. David leaves and returns
with an old family photo album. He tells Amy it has picture dating
all the way back to the civil war. They look for a picture of a
“Quentin Collins”, and finally find one of him as a boy. They look
for one of him as an adult, but are unable to find one. The closest
they come to finding one is a group picture which includes the name
“Quentin Collins” among the names written as a caption, but do not
know which person is Quentin. There’s a knock at the door. David
quickly hides both the telephone and the photo album under the bed.
Elizabeth comes in. She tells David to go to bed. David asks,
“Aunt Elizabeth, have you ever heard of a Quentin Collins?”
Elizabeth tells him, “He was my great uncle. No one knows very much
about him. He went to France while he was still young and never
came back. Why?” David lies, “Oh, I just read the name somewhere
in a family history and was curious”. David leaves to go to
bed. Elizabeth tells Amy she’ll help her prepare her bed.
It is 2:15 AM. Amy gets up out of bed, gets the telephone
from under the bed, and talks to someone again, “Why didn’t
you speak to David? He was very upset you didn’t!…Where do you
want me to go?…Alone?…All right. I’ll be there. Alone”.
Amy goes into the West Wing, and heads for the storage room. She
is outside the door. She says, “I’m here, Quentin. Aren’t you going
to come out and see me?” The door starts to open…
November 28, 1968 No show taped on Thanksgiving.
Episode 640
Worldvision Rerun 426
Tape Date: November 29, 1968 (ABC #245-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 6, 1968 Friday
Writer: Sam Hall
Director: Lela Swift
The door opens, but it’s only David. Amy asks him how he
knew she was coming to the West Wing. He replies that she had
to go past his room to get there, and he heard her go by in the
hallway. He asks, “You used that telephone again, didn’t you?
HE sent you here!” He takes her back to her room, upset that
she went into the West Wing. Amy accuses David of being
chicken. David replies that he isn’t, that he’s upset because
no one’s supposed to go to the West Wing, and if she’s caught
going there, he’ll be the one who gets into trouble for showing
her the way. To prove that he’s not chicken, David picks up
the phone and starts to talk into it, but hears nothing. Amy
takes the earpiece and listens. She does hear something and
tells David that Quentin Collins is talking to her. David,
upset that Quentin Collins is HIS ancestor but will talk to Amy
and not to him, accuses Amy of making it up, but then remembers
that he did hear breathing and the sound of someone hanging up
earlier. He suggests to Amy that there’s a better way to contact
the dead – a seance. He tells Amy that he’s seen the adults do
it and knows how. They start to have a seance. The door opens.
A figure is standing outside, silhouetted by the lightning…
But it’s only Vicky, wanting to know why they are still
up. David lies that Amy was frigtened by the storm. Vicky tells
David he can leave, she’ll stay with Amy. David leaves. Vicky
notices the telephone and asks Amy where she got it from. Amy
replies that she and David found it. Vicky remarks that it’s
very old. As Vicky is putting Amy to bed, Amy tells Vicky,
“I’ve got to find Chris. He’s the only family I’ve got!”
Meanwhile, in Chris’ room at the Collinsport Inn, Chris is
lying on the floor, barefoot and unconscious, a trail of mud
leading from the door…
THe next day, Chris Jennings comes to Collinwood to talk
with Amy in her room. He tells her, “I’m sorry. I’d like to
stay and take care of you, but I can’t”. Amy asks why.
Chris replies, “I can’t explain it to you. Maybe one day
I’ll be able to, but right now, I can’t”. Amy asks, “Can’t
I stay with you just tonight?” Chris replies, “NO! Not tonight!”.
Amy, very upset, says, “You don’t want me! You don’t want me at
all!”, and turns her back. Chris tries to talk to her, but she
refuses to respond, so Chris leaves.
Chris comes downstairs and tells Vicky and Carolyn about
his decision. They beg him not to put Amy in an orphanage,
telling him Elizabeth has offered to let her live at
Collinwood. Chris tells them he can’t accept Elizabeth’s
offer because it’s too generous, but they manage to convince
him to at least talk with Elizabeth about it. Carolyn takes
Chris upstairs to talk to Elizabeth.
Afterwards, Chris and Carolyn go to the Blue Whale to talk.
Chris tells Carolyn that he’s buying the drinks, that it’s small
payment for Amy staying at Collinwood. A pretty barmaid with
short blond hair comes up to take their order. Carolyn orders
a daquiri, and Chris orders “a shot of Irish”. Carolyn tells
Chris, “You should think about my mother’s idea that you stay
in Collinsport for another week and help Amy adjust”, but Chris
just replies, “I’d have to think about it”. He remarks to Carolyn,
“Everyone must find it strange that I won’t stay to take care of
Amy”. While they are talking, the clock strikes the hour, and
Carolyn glances out the window and remarks, “I’m always surprised
how early it gets dark in the winter”. Chris suddenly shouts,
“Check, please!”, and tells Carolyn he’s got to go, saying, “I must’ve
been at Collinwood far longer than I had expected to be. It’s
later than I thought it was. I’m sorry, but I have an appointment
I’ve got to keep”. The barmaid comes over and gives Chris the check.
He looks at the barmaid and sees a strange red pentagram floating in
front of her face. The barmaid, seeing that Chris is staring at her
face, asks, “Is something the matter?” Chris replies, “No”, pays for
the drinks, and abruptly leaves. The barmaid goes back behind the bar,
takes a compact from her purse, and checks her face, but sees nothing.
(Note: The clock behind the bar is wrong. It says 1:00)
Chris goes back to his room at the Collinsport Inn, takes
a pair of leg cuffs, and shackles himself to a radiator. Seconds
later, he transforms into a werewolf. The werewolf starts trying
to free himself.
It is 1:00 AM at the Blue Whale. The barmaid closes up and starts
to clean up. There’s a knock at the door. The barmaid shouts, “Sorry,
all closed up!”, and continues to clean up. A werewolf comes crashing
in through the window and attacks her.
Episode 641
Worldvision Rerun 427
Tape Date: December 2, 1968 (ABC #246-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 9, 1968 Monday
Writer: Sam Hall
Director: Penberry Jones
Amy awakens in the middle of the night screaming. Vicky comes
running in and asks what’s wrong. Amy replies that something
terrible’s happening to her brother, she knows it somehow.
Elizabeth comes in to see what’s wrong. Asked what she thinks
happened to Chris, Amy replies, “I don’t know, but I know he’s
alone in the dark somewhere, crying”. Vicky and Elizabeth try
to tell Amy it was just a nightmare, but Amy refuses to believe
this, so Elizabeth tells Amy that she’ll goe downstairs to call
Chris to prove to her that he’s all right, that it is just a
nightmare. But when she calls the Collinsport Inn and has them ring
Chris’ room, she finds that he isn’t there. Elizabeth goes back
upstairs to Amy’s room. Amy anxiously asks, “Did you talk to him?
Is he all right?” Elizabeth pauses, then says, “Yes, he was all
right, just a little worried about you”.
Vicky and Elizabeth leave and go to Vicky’s room. Elizabeth
tells Vicky she lied to Amy, that there was no answer to her
telephone call. She wonders where Chris could be in the middle
of the night. Vicky picks up Jeff’s watch to see what time it
is, but tells Elizabeth she’s just noticed that the watch has
stopped – at 11:35, the exact time Jeff disappeared.
Later, Vicky wakes up and feels a presence. She calls out,
“Jeff?” The door opens by itself. Vicky feels Jeff’s presence
there, but a few moments later, Amy comes running into the
room. She tells Vicky she’s frightened and wants to sleep
with her tonight. Vicky feels Jeff’s presence leave. The door
shuts by itself.
The next night at 7:00 PM, Stokes comes to Collinwood and
to talk to Vicky, she having telephoned him and asked him to come.
Elizabeth lets him in. When she finds out Vicky had called him,
she tells him, “Don’t encourage her. She must forget Jeff, she
must”. Stokes goes upstairs to Vicky’s room. Vicky tells Stokes that
she felt Jeff’s presence last night and says, “I have to join him”.
Stokes replies, “I am not a wizard. I do not transport people
through time”. Vicky asks, “Is he here?” Stokes replies, “I’m
sure if he were, he’d tell you to forget all this foolishness”.
Vicky replies, “No, I will not! You gave him something…”
Stokes says, “Yes, three Indian herbs”. Vicky asks to be given
the same herbs, but Stokes tells her, “They didn’t take him
back in time. They made him available, but they didn’t take
him back. Something else did”. He tells her, “It would be too
dangerous anyway. You would be going back to a certain hanging”.
Vicky tells Stokes that she and Jeff will change what happened when
she goes back to the past, but Stokes replies that that would be
impossible. Vicky begs the spirit of Jeff to help her convince
Stokes to help, but nothing happens. Stokes remarks, “I’m afraid
he must feel as I do”. Vicky exclaims, “But I must be with him!”
Stokes makes the offhanded (and unwise) remark, “The only way
you would be able to join him is to die”.
In her room, Amy feels a presence. She opens the window and
calls out, “Who are you? You’re crying. Why are you crying?
Who are you, who?”
Vicky moans, “What can I do?” Stokes replies, “You can forget
all about him”. Vicky screams, “Jeff! Tell me what to do!”.
Stokes replies, “He cannot because there’s nothing you can do.
Forget about him”. Vicky shouts, “NO!” and runs from the room.
Amy is talking out the window in her room, “Why are you called
the Widows? Why?”.
Vicky runs downstairs. Stokes is following, shouting, “Vicky!
I haven’t finished talking to you yet!” Elizabeth, seeing that
Vicky is about to go out, shouts, “You can’t go out this time of
night with a wild animal out there…”, but Vicky snaps back,
“I am not a child! Leave me alone”, opens the front door and runs
out. Elizabeth asks Stokes where Vicky is going. Stokes replies,
“I don’t know”. Elizabeth tells Stokes that she’s worried that
Vicky is outside, that there’s a wild animal in the area. Amy comes
down the stairs. She asks Elizabeth, “Do you hear the crying?”.
Elizabeth asks, “Crying? Who’s crying?” Amy replies, “The Widows.
I opened the window and heard them”. Stokes asks, “Who are the
Widows?” Elizabeth, shocked, tells Stokes, “It’s a legend. When
you can hear the Widows crying on a stormy night, it means someone
will die”.
Vicky goes to Widow’s Hill and thinks about Stokes’ comment
that the only way she would be able to join Jeff is to die.
Episode 642
Worldvision Rerun 428
Tape Date: December 3, 1968 (ABC #247-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 10, 1968 Tuesday
Writer: Sam Hall
Director: Penberry Jones
Vicky prepares to jump off Widow’s Hill, but Elizabeth and
Stokes show up just in time. Stokes convinces Vicky not to
jump by telling her that if she’s really been feeling Jeff’s
presence, he must be trying to tell her something.
Chris and Carolyn return to Collinwood, having been in
Collinsport. Carolyn starts talking about the murder of the
barmaid, saying it must have been the same animal that almost
attacked her mother. This seems to upset Chris. Stokes and
Elizabeth return, holding Vicky. Elizabeth takes Vicky up
to her room. Carolyn asks Stokes if Vicky had been attacked
by the wild animal. Stokes just replies, “No. She was attacked
by fate”.
Up in Vicky’s room, Stokes apoligizes to Vicky for the
unwise comment he made. Vicky replies that it was her fault,
that she just became hysterical and panicked. The window blows
open. Elizabeth closes it and remarks that it’s just the wind,
but Vicky, holding Jeff’s watch, notices that the watch, which
had run a bit earlier, is now back at 11:25. Then she notices
that it’s started to run again and says she feels Jeff’s
presence. Elizabeth asks, “You have psychic powers, do you feel
anything here?”. Stokes replies that he’s not sure. Suddenly, a
ball of blue light appears. Vicky says that it’s Jeff. Stokes asks
the ball, “What do you want?”, but after a few seconds it just
disappears. Vicky exclaims, “He’s trying to reach me, but he can’t!
Why?”. Stokes replies, “I may know a way to find out!” and goes
downstairs. Elizabeth apoligizes to Vicky for doubting that she
felt Jeff’s presence.
Stokes asks Chris to stay. He tells Chris and Carolyn he
plans to have a seance and explains to Chris, “It’s vitally
important that another man be present, in case the spirit wishes
to speak through you. A spirit often prefers to speak through
a member of it’s own sex”. Chris refuses, saying, “I don’t
believe in that stuff!” (The look on his face, however, seems
to indicate that there is another reason for his refusal).
Stokes tells Chris that Vicky has already tried to kill herself
once, and warns that if he does not participate, she may try to
do so again. Hearing this, Chris reluctantly agrees to be
part of the seance.
Stokes goes upstairs and tells Vicky and Elizabeth that
he’s ready to hold the seance. Elizabeth tells him she
doesn’t think a seance is such a good idea, reminding him
of what happened to Vicky the last time they had one, but
Vicky says, “If I’m pulled back in time this time, then
that must be what Jeff wants, and if that’s what Jeff wants,
that’s what I want”. They do downstairs to the drawing room.
The seance commences in the drawing room. Stokes calls on Jeff
to come, “I know you were here tonight! I know you were trying to
talk to your wife! If you cannot speak by yourself, speak through
one of us!” Stokes feels a presence and asks Vicky if it’s Jeff.
Vicky begs, “Please, Jeff, please!” Stokes suddenly announces,
“There’s a presence in this room! Is it you, Clark?”, but Vicky
says, “No, it isn’t!”. Stokes asks, “If there’s a spirit here,
tell us who you are and why you came here”. Elizabeth head suddenly
jerks around. She gasps that she felt a woman’s hand grab her and
turn her head, as if to get a better look at her face. The spirit
then enters Carolyn and starts speaking through her, “I heard the
Widows wailing…” Stokes asks, “Is that why you came here?”, but
the spirit continues without answering, “You must..You must stop him!”.
Stokes asks, “Whom? Whom must we stop?” The spirit continues, “He
must not come back!”. Stokes asks, “Are you talking about Jeff
Clark?” The spirit replies, “No…No…” Stokes asks, “Who,
then? Tell us!”, but the spirit just says, “You must stop them!
He must stay where he is!” Stokes asks, “Can you tell us who you
are?” The spirit replies, “Magda”. Stokes asks, “Magda, what
is your last name?”, but the spirit just spirit just keeps
repeating, “My curse! My curse! My curse!”. Chris suddenly grabs
Carolyn and shakes her out of the trance. Vicky runs crying from
the room. Elizabeth goes after her. Stokes asks Chris, “I would
very much like to know, Mr. Jennings, why you did that”.
Episode 643
Worldvision Rerun 429
Tape Date: December 4, 1968 (ABC #248-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 11, 1968 Wednesday
Writer: Ron Sproat
Director: Penberry Jones
After Stokes leaves, Carolyn too asks Chris why he stopped
the seance. Chris replies, “I don’t really why I stopped the
seance. Something came over me. I just had to do it”. Carolyn
wonders who Magda could be. Suddenly, she exclaims, “She’s still
here! The woman who contacted us during the seance! She’s still
here! She’ss still in this room!”, but Chris becomes upset and
says, “Stop! I don’t like any of this nonsense!”. Carolyn asks,
“What was I saying before you stopped the seance?” Chris replies,
“Something about a curse”. Carolyn asks, “Could it have anything
to do with you?”. Chris explodes, “Would you please stop this
insanity? It doesn’t have anything to do with anything at all!”
Amy goes into David’s room and wakes him up. She tells him,
“He’s angry! Quentin is angry! Something’s happened to make him
very angry!” David asks, “How do you know?”. Amy replies, “I don’t
know how I know. I just know.” David asks, “What would Quentin be
angry about?” Amy replies, “That’s what we have to find out! Use
the phone!” David picks up the phone. He tells Amy, “I hear
breathing! I hear him breathing again!”, and speaks into the phone,
“Say something to me!”, but once again Quentin doesn’t respond to
him. Amy tells him, “Give it to me!”. He does. Amy listens for
awhile, then says, “Yes, I understand” and hangs up. David asks,
“He spoke to you?” Amy replies, “Yes”. David asks, “What did
he say?” Amy replies, “He said SHE will try to stop him. He
wants us to find him, and he wants us to do it TONIGHT!”
Roger returns home from his work and finds Chris and Carolyn
in the foyer. He excuses himself, saying, “I’m exhausted and I
still have work to do” and goes into the drawing room and starts
to go through his briefcase. Suddenly, an old book, which had been
lying on top of the piano, falls off onto the floor, as if pushed by
an unseen hand. Roger picks it up and notices that there’s a piece of
paper sticking out from between its pages. He takes it out and reads
it. Carolyn, having seen Chris off, comes walking in through the room
and asks Roger what he’s reading. Roger replies, “It’s an old letter
addressed to my father Jamison, dated 1887 (should be 1897!) He must
have been just a boy then.” He reads alout from the letter to her:
“Dear Jamison,
You must return to Collinwood. I need your help. You
must intercede with Oscar*. Only you can save me.”
Roger remarks, “It’s signed ‘Quentin Collins’. We had an ancestor
named Quentin, but I don’t know much about him. He spent most of
his time in Europe”. He tells Carolyn how the book fell mysteriously,
as if pushed by an invisible hand. Carolyn exclaims, “SHE must have
done it!”. Roger asks, “Who?” Carolyn replies, “Magda. She must
have wanted us to see that letter”. She tells Roger about the seance
and tells Roger Magda was spirit who contacted them during it. She
remarks, “She must have wanted us to see that letter, but why? Why?”
Suddenly, she freezes and exclaims, “Stop them!”. Roger asks, “stop
who?”, but Carolyn immediately snaps out of her momentary trance and
tells Roger she can’t recall saying anything and asks, “What did I
just say?” Roger tells her. Carolyn says, “She’s still here and
she just spoke through me! It must be some sort of warning. Someone
in this house must be in some sort of danger!” Roger asks, “Who?”
Carolyn replies, “I don’t know. It could be any one of us”. Roger
tells Carolyn he’s just been filled with a sudden foreboding and tells
her he’s going to go check on David.
In David’s room, David and Amy hear someone coming. David
hides Amy. Roger comes in, finds David OK, and asks him, “Why
are you still awake?” David replies, “I couldn’t sleep so I decided
to read”. Roger orders him to go to sleep. then tells him, “If
you need anything, call me” and leaves. David, puzzled, tells
Amy, “That’s strange. He never says goodnight to me. And why
did he keep asking me if I was all right?” He tells Amy they’d
better wait till it’s late and everyone’s asleep before going
to the West Wing to look for Quentin.
After waiting till it’s suitably late, David gets a flashlight and
takes Amy to go the West Wing to search for Quentin. As they get to
the door to the West Wing, the flashlight flies out of David’s hand,
as if wrenched away by an invisible hand. David picks the flashlight
up. Suddenly, he is pushed away from the door. Startled, he tells Amy,
that he felt an invisible hand push him away, saying, “Amy! A hand! It’s
pushing me backwards!” Amy asks, “What do you think it was?” David
replies, “Quentin told us SHE would try to stop us. It must be her –
or her ghost!”. David walks to the door again. This time nothing
tries to stop him, but when he tries to open it, he finds the door
locked. Amy notes, “But it was unlocked the other day!”. David
replies, “Someone must have locked it. There’s another way into
the West Wing, a secret way, but you’ve got to promise to keep it
a secret”.
They go downstairs, but find that Carolyn and Roger are in
the drawing room. David and Amy hide in the room under the
stairs until they hear both Carolyn and Roger go up to bed.
David takes Amy into the drawing room. He moves a chair
which is standing next to the wall to the right of the cabinet
to the right of the fireplace, then opens a secret panel in
the wall there. The go in, and from the inside, David closes
the secret panel. The chair mysteriously moves back against
the wall by itself.
David and Amy are walking in the West Wing, on their way to
the room where they found the haunted phone. Suddenly, a large
antique grandfather clock falls in their path. David tells Amy,
“It must be HER! SHE must still be trying to stop us!”. They
perservere, and finally reach the storage room, but find no one
there. Amy, disappointed, says, “And I was sure he’d be here!”.
They turn to leave, but the door suddenly slams shut by itself.
David tries to open it, but finds that the door is locked. He
exclaims to Amy, “We’re locked in here!”
*Note: The name of the character called “Oscar” here is later
changed to “Edward” when we finally meet him.
Episode 644
Worldvision Rerun 430
Tape Date: December 5, 1968 (ABC #249-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 12, 1968 Thursday
Writer: Ron Sproat
Director: Penberry Jones
Carolyn wakes up in the middle of the night, screaming.
Elizabeth and Roger come running into the room to see what’s
wrong. Carolyn tells them that she’s just had a nightmare
in which a female voice tells her, “They’ll both die!”, followed
by a shadowy image of both Amy and David dead. She begs Roger
to go check on the children. Roger goes to do so.
A few minutes later, Roger comes back. He tells Carolyn
and Elizabeth that both children are gone from their rooms.
He tells them it’s probably nothing to worry about, that David
likes to roam the house and probably took Amy with him, but
suggests that to be on the safe side, they should search for
them anyway. As Carolyn goes to put on a robe, she notices that
black letters have suddenly started writing themselves in the
mirror, slowly spelling the name, “JAMISON”. The letters then
disappear. Everyone is shocked.
In the West Wing, David and Amy, unable to get out of the
room, decided to look around. They find an old trunk containing
a boy’s suit and a girl’s dress, both in the style of the late
19th century. They notice that the suit is David’s size, and the
dress Amy’s. Amy tells David it would be fun to dress up in the
clothes, but David refuses, saying, “I don’t like those kinds of
games” and tells her to put the clothes back in the trunk. They
start to hear faint music. It starts to get louder. Amy exclaims,
“David! The music! Quentin must be playing it!” It sounds like
tinny gramophone music from the 19th century, a waltz, It continues
to get louder. David and Amy notice it seems to be coming from
behind a wall.
Roger comes back up from the basement and announces that
the children are not down there either. Having searched the
entire house for David and Amy and not found them, Roger decides
they must have gone outdoors in spite of the thunderstorm raging
outside, and prepares to go out to search for them, but Carolyn
reminds him that he hasn’t searched the West Wing yet. Roger tells
her it wouldn’t make any sense to search the West Wing, that David
and Amy couldn’t have possibly gotten in there because he locked the
door himself just a few days ago, but Carolyn insist on searching it,
saying David might have found another key.
In the storage room, the music suddenly stops. Amy wonders why
the music stopped. David replies the he thinks maybe Quentin has
already told them what he wants to know – that what he wants them
to know is that he’s behind the wall, that the reason he hasn’t
appeared to them is because he’s trapped there and needs their help
to get out. David knocks on the wall. He tells Amy it sounds hollow,
that there must a secret room behind it.
Roger, Carolyn and Elizabeth go upstairs to the end of the
bedroom hall. Roger tries the door to the West Wing, finds
it locked, and tells Carolyn, “I told you they couldn’t be here”.
They go back downstairs. As they get into the drawing room, Carolyn
gasps, “I felt someone trying to push me back out the door! It must
be Magda! She must want us to search the only part of the house we
haven’t searched, the West Wing!”. Roger exclaims, “That’s ridiculous!”,
but Carolyn is insistent and says, “If you won’t go, I’ll search it
myself!”. Roger, still dubious, decides to go with her.
As Roger, Carolyn and Elizabeth search the West Wing, they notice
the fallen grandfather clock. Roger tells Carolyn it was standing when
he was here just a few days ago.
In the storage room, David and Amy hear Roger, Elizabeth and
Carolyn coming. David is about to call for help, but Amy, intent
on finding Quentin, tells him she has a better idea – they can
hide. The adults will open the door, come in and look around,
not find them and leave, leaving the door open. They hide behind
the clothes chest. The adults come in, look around, and are
just about to find the children’s hiding place when Elizabeth
says she thinks she heard a noise outside in the hallway. The
adults leave, closing but not locking the door behind them.
David wonders how they got in, saying he didn’t hear the sound
of a key when the adults came in. He tries the door but finds
that it’s still locked. Amy says, “I’m not scared”. David asks,
“You’re not?” Amy replies, “No. It’s locked because Quentin wants
us in here. He wants us to do something for him. He wants us to
let him out”. She tells him, “I found this while exploring” and
hands him a crowbar. David starts prying at the panels forming
the wall that sounded hollow to his tapping earlier. One of
the panels – a 2 ft wide by 3 ft high section down at the bottom –
gives way quite easily, revealing the bottom part of a hidden door
behind it. The door mysteriously starts to open by itself. David
asks, “Do you want to go in?” Amy replies, “I do if you do”. David
says, “OK. I’ll lead the way”. He takes her hand and they go in.
Episode 645
Worldvision Rerun 431
Tape Date: December 6, 1968 (ABC #250-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 13, 1968 Friday
Writer: Gordon Russell
Director: Penberry Jones
Inside the secret room – which is sumptiously furnished in
late 19th century style – the children find the skeleton of a man
dressed in late 19th century clothes wearing a long hairdo. All the
flesh has rotted away. The children become frightenedn and try to
leave, but suddenly the door slams shut and locks them in. They look
around. Eventually, they find a candle and some matches. They light
the candle. They see an old gramophone. It starts playing by itself,
playing the music they had heard while outside earlier. (Quentin’s
Elizabeth goes to the old house and tells Barnabas the children
are missing, that Carolyn woke up screaming last night saying
she had a nightmare that the children were in danger, and when
Roger looked in their rooms, the children were missing. She tells
Barnabas that they’ve searched the whole house for the children
but didn’t find them, that Roger is out searching the grounds
right now. She tells him she’d like to search the old house
because David likes to play there. Barnabas agrees, and they
go upstairs to search.
In the hidden room, the gramophone suddenly stops playing,
and an evil sounding male laugh is heard. The locked door opens
by itself.
At the old house, Barnabas comes up from the cellar and
tells Elizabeth, “They’re not down there either”. Elizabeth
tells Barnabas she’s going back to Collinwood. Barnabas decides
to go with her. As they exit the old house, David and Amy, who
are hiding behind some bushes, see them leave. When the coast
is clear, they sneak into the old house. David assures Amy
that they won’t get caught because the only person living at
the old house other than Barnabas is Willie Loomis, who’s out
of town. They go inside. Amy asks David, “Why are you acting
so strangely?”. David replies, “I made a promise to HIM, and I
always keep my promises. A promoise is a promise!” Amy asks,
“Are you sure it’s up there?” David replies, “HE said it would
be upstairs in the attic.” They go upstairs.
At Collinwood, Barnabas asks Elizabeth, “Are you sure you’ve
searched the entire house? Even the West Wing?”. Elizabeth assures
him that they have. Barnabas tells her, “In that case, I’ll join
the search outside”.
At the old house, David and Amy come downstairs. David is
carrying an old fashioned rocking cradle. He puts it down,
telling Amy he has to rest a bit. Amy asks, “How will we get
it into Colliwood without being seen?” David replies, “We’ll
use the same secret entrance we used to sneak out”. They go back
to Collinwood, take the cradle up to the room, and place it in
the middle of the floor. Amy notices that David has started to
smile strangely and asks, “David, why are you smiling?” David
replies, “It’s just that I like you so much. You’re my good
friend”. Amy, looking worried, asks, “Can we go back downstairs
now?” David replies, “Surely we can. We can go back downstairs
and be ourselves again”. Amy asks, “What do you mean?” David
replies, “Nothing”. Suddenly, the cradle starts to rock by itself.
David tells Amy, “Go to it, Amy. SHE needs you”.
At Collinwood, Barnabas returns and tells Elizabeth he found
nothing. Elizabeth moans that she’s afraid the children have
been kidnapped and starts to telephone the police, but stop
when David and Amy suddenly walk in through the front doors.
Amy hugs Barnabas, whom she met at Windcliff. When asked where
they’ve been, David replies, “We just went out for a walk”.
When Elizabeth tells David she doesn’t believe that, Amy says,
“I’m going to tell even if David doesn’t want me to! He should
be PROUD of what he did instead of being embarrassed! Boys are
like that!”. She tells Elizabeth that she woke up last night
and became frightened by the house. Eliabeth asks, “Frightened by
the house? Why?” Amy replies, “It’s so big, and I felt so small
in it. I felt like I was lost forever!” She continues her story,
saying she went to David’s room and told him, that he took her out
for a walk and thay sat in a field and watched the sun come up on
the house and she wasn’t afraid anymore after that. Barnabas asks,
“If you’ve you been in the field the whole time, how come none of
adults searching for you saw you?” Amy replies, “We weren’t in the
field the whole time. We spent the rest of the time in one of
David’s secret places. I can’t tell you where it is or it wouldn’t
be a secret anymore”. Elizabeth says, “You don’t have to tell if
you promise never to do it again”. The children promise. Barnabas
leaves. Elizabeth tells the children she’ll go into the kitchen
and tells Mrs. Johnson to make breakfast for them. The children
go into the drawing room. David remarks, “We’ll have to be more
careful this time. We’ll have to wait until its late and everyone’s
asleep before we sneak into the West Wing tonight”. Amy asks, “And
play the game?” David replies, “Yes. They promised us we would”.
Amy remarks, “And a promise is a promise!”
It is 1:30 AM. The children go into the room behind the wall
in the West Wing. Amy sees someting, smiles broadly and exclaims,
“Hi, Quentin!”
Episode 646
Worldvision Rerun 432
Tape Date: December 9, 1968 (ABC #251-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 16, 1968 Monday
Writer: Gordon Russell
Director: Lela Swift
It is indeed the ghost of Quentin Collins standing there.
He appears to be a man of about 25 to 30 years of age,
very tall (about 6-4), with dark brown hair and long
muttonchop sideburns. Amy asks, “Aren’t you going to say
anything, Quentin?”, but the ghost doesn’t reply. David
asks, “We are going to play the game, aren’t we?” The ghost
nods yes. The gramophone starts to play by itself again.
Amy says, “The music is beautiful! You do like it, don’t you
David?” In an irritated tone, David replies, “What made you asks
that? It’s my favorite piece. You know that!”. Amy, puzzled,
asks, “How can it be your favorite piece? You only heard it
for the first time yesterday!” But before David can answer,
the ghost of a very beautiful blond woman appears.
Downstairs in the foyer, Elizabeth tells Roger, “I have a
feeling she never left this house”. Roger asks, “Who?” Elizabeth
replies, “The woman who contacted us during the seance. If only
we could find out what she wanted…”
Both ghosts have disappeared. The children are now in
the room alone. Both are dressed in the old fashioned clothes
they found earlier. They start to play their “game”. Amy
tells David, “You look just like a gentleman!” David asks,
“Like Quentin? Why don’t you call me Quentin?” Amy replies,
“And you can call me Beth, and we can pretend this is our room”.
David says, “This IS our room! Don’t you remember, Beth?”
Roger is in his room, packing his briefcase preparing to
go to work. Elizabeth comes in and asks him to try to talk to
Vicky, that ever since the seance she does nothing but sit
in her room, waiting for Jeff to return.
In the hidden room, Amy remarks, “It’s getting late”. David
replies, “Yes. We do have quite a bit of work to do tomorrow”.
Amy asks, “Are we really going to do what he wants us to do?”
David replies, “Yes. This family has brought us much unhappiness.
They’ll have to pay for what they did to us!” He tells her,
You’ll be the one who’ll have to talk to Roger”. He then tells
her he’s decided to have the skeleton removed from the
room because they can’t have any fun playing the game while
it’s here. Amy asks, “How will we get it out of the house?”
David replies, “I’ll think of a way”. They leave.
Later, they return carrying David’s toybox. Amy notes that
the toybox is too big to get down the narrow staircase of the
secret entrance. David replies that they’ll have to risk
carrying it down in the open, then, but assures her no one
will ask any questions about what’s in his toybox. Amy asks,
“Why are we doing this?” David replies, “When you die, do you
want your bones to rot away in a room? We’re just going to
give Quentin what his family wouldn’t give him – a decent
Downstairs, Roger comes down into the drawing room and tells
Elizabeth that he talked to Vicky, but it did no good, and says
time is the only thing that will heal Vicky’s wounds. As he’s
talking, he notices David and Amy struggling to carry David’s toybox
down the stairs. He goes up, takes Amy’s end from her and helps
David take the toybox down the stairs then asks, “What are you doing?”
David replies that he’s taking some toys outside to play. Roger,
finding this strange, says, “You’ve never taken all your toys outside
to play before. Let’s see what you have in there”, and reaches down
to open the box, but David tells him, “You can’t. It’s locked”.
Roger stops and asks, “Why is it locked?” David replies, “It’s a
military secret. Maybe I’ll tell you after the funeral”. Amy
pretends to blab the secret, “One of David’s toy soldiers broke,
and we’re taking it outside to give it a proper burial”. David
indignently says, “It didn’t break. It died in action.”.
When David and Amy reach the woods, Amy asks David, “I hope you
remembered to bring the key” David replies, “It’s not locked.
I only told my father it was. He’ll believe anything if you say
it convincingly enough. You should remember that when you
talk to him tonight”. They bury the skeleton. Amy asks,
“Should we say some prayers?” David replies, “No, all we did was
bury Quentin’s bones. His spirit’s still around”. Amy remarks,
“Yes”. They leave.
They go back to the storage room, where David rummages through a
trunk. Amy remarks, “I wish you would tell me what you’re looking
for”. David replies, “You’ll see it when I find it” and continues
to look. Finally, he finds what he’s looking for and announces,
“Here it is”. Amy asks, “What?” David replies, “Wire”, then
asks Amy, “Remember what you have to do?” Amy replies, “Yes”.
David tells her, “Good. We’ll wait till 1:00, then you go get
my father, and I’ll be waiting for him downstairs.
At 1:00 AM, Amy goes into Roger’s room and tells him she’s
frightened, that she’s sure she heard a sound downstairs,
that it sounded like someone breaking in. Roger gets a pistol
and goes down to investigate.
Downstairs, David ties the wire across one of the steps, a
few inches off the step. He then runs down the stairs, opens
the front door wide, and runs into the room under the stairs.
Roger comes down the stairs, trips over the wire, and falls
the rest of the way down. David comes out of the study into
the foyer. Amy walks out of the bedroom hallway onto the
landing. Both stare at Roger, who is bloody and unconscious.
Both have a cold emotionless look in their eyes…
Episode 647
Worldvision Rerun 433
Tape Date: December 10, 1968 (ABC #252-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 17, 1968 Tuesday
Writer: Sam Hall
Director: Lela Swift
Amy goes to Elizabeth’s room, awakens her, and tells her
Roger’s been hurt falling down the stairs. Elizabeth comes down
the stairs and finds Roger lying at the foot of the stair,
unconscious. She tells Amy to go get Julia. Roger regains
consciousness and tells Elizabeth, “Someone tried to kill me!”
Elizabeth tells him, “Amy told me there was a burglar in here”.
Roger replies, “It was no burglar! Someone in this house was
trying to kill me! Someone stretched a wire across one of the
steps! I felt my ankle hit it when I tripped over it!”. Elizabeth
tells him, “You must have imagined it. I just came down the stairs,
and there was no wire”. Roger, puzzled, asks, “Where is it?
Where did it go?”. Elizabeth tells him, “No one would have strung
a wire across the step. It wouldn’t make any sense” and takes him
up to his room. Amy comes back downstairs and tells David, “I
told Dr. Hoffman. She’s getting dressed”, but David doesn’t
In his room, Roger continues to insist that he didn’t imagine
the wire. He then moans, “I have an appointment with Strathmore
in London the day after tomorrow, but I can’t go with things like
this in the house”. Elizabeth finds a Tarot card on the table and
asks Roger about it. He tells her he never saw it before, that he
poured himself a drink earlier and it wasn’t on the table then.
Elizabeth tells him she’s certain it’s a message from the woman
they contacted during the seance. David comes in, saying Amy woke
him and told him what happened. He asks his father, “Are you OK?”,
sounding genuinely concerned. Roger assures him he’s OK and says,
“I’ll show you”. He limps over to the table, pours himself a
drink, and tells David, “See? I’ll be perfectly all right in
the morning”. David hugs his father and says, “I’m glad! I’m
so glad!”, sounding genuinely relieved.
Elizabeth goes downstairs and telephones Professor Stokes,
who is, strangely, still awake at 1:30 AM, and asks him to come to
Collinwood in the morning, saying she has something urgent to discuss
with him. Stokes remarks, “This is quite a coincidence. I was
reading a book when the phone rang, a book about the Collins Family,
a book from the Collinsport library no one’s checked out in years”.
In the morning, David comes into the foyer from an early
morning walk outside. Amy is in the foyer. She tells David,
“I’ve been in the room again. Quentin wants us to play the
game again”. David replies, “I’m never going in there again.
I don’t like what he made me do to my father”. Amy warns him,
“Quentin will be angry!”. Amy continues to try to convince David
to play the “game” again. She tells him, “Quentin likes you. He
calls you ‘Jamison'” David notes, “Jamison was my grandfather.
I wonder why”. Amy continues, “You could find out if you come up
to the room and see him”.
Stokes arrives to see Elizabeth. They go into the drawing
room. She shows Stokes the Tarot card and asks him if he knows
what it means. Stokes replies that he doesn’t, but could look
it up in a book. Elizabeth tells him, “I can tell from the
look on your face that you’re lying. You know exactly what
it means”. Stokes finally admits to her, “The card is a warning”.
Elizabeth asks, “What is the warning?” Stokes replies, “The card
is called the Tower of Destruction. It warns of the coming of
great unhappiness to this family”. Elizabeth moans, “What are we
going to do? What are we going to do? If only I knew! If only
someone knew!”.
David goes up into the hidden room with Amy and, talking to
an unseen Quentin, says, “I’m not going to do what you want me to
do anymore. Not if it’s like last time. It’s not fair for you to
have me do something like that. Do you understand?” Suddenly, the
gramophone starts to play again. David points to the cradle and
exclaims, “LOOK!”. Amy does so. The cradle is rocking by itself
again. Amy replies, “I see it, Jamison”. Amy asks, “You do want to
play the game, don’t you?” David replies, “Of course I do!”
Stokes assures Elizabeth, “Don’t worry, Mrs. Stoddard, I’ll
be back within the hour and I’ll bring someone who will be
able to explain everything that’s been happening in this house”.
Elizabeth replies, “Thank you”. Stokes leaves.
Stokes has returned with a woman psychic. The psychic tells
Elizabeth, “Don’t tell me anything about your family, this
house, or anything that’s happened here. I do not want to know what
to expect. Do you understand?” Elizabeth replies, “Yes, Madame
Findley”. In the foyer, Findley remarks, “An accident has happened
here recently”. In the drawing room, she says, “This is the room
where the seance was held. There have been spirits in this room.
They’re not here now, but they’ve left their mark. Shadows are
still in this room!”. She sits down and goes into a trance,
then says, “Are you there? Can you tell me the secret of this
house?”. Suddenly, she exclaims, “That’s not you! Who are you?”.
Stokes whispers to Elizabeth, “That means it’s not the spirit
she expected to contact, it’s not the spirit from the seance”.
The psychic continues, “I can feel your presence. Are you in this
room? If you are in this room, speak to me…You are not in this
room, but you are in this house! Yes! In another room! Tell me where
you are! I must come to you! A battle! There is a battle going on
in this house! This house is a battleground! I see that! Lead me
to the room! You must show me! Yes! Yes!”. She then snaps out of
the trance and announces, “The fight goes on!”. Stokes asks, “Who are
fighting?” Madame Findley replies, “I don’t know, but I will when
I find the room”. Elizabeth moans, “I can’t believe this is
happening!”. Madame Findley tells her, “There is much happening
in this house you don’t know about. There is a war being waged,
and I’ve got to find the one who started it”. Stokes asks
Elizabeth, “Does she have permission to stay and find out?”
Elizabeth replies, “Of course”. Stokes tells the psychic,
“Please call me if you find anything” and leaves.
David and Amy, who have overheard Findley, go up to the hidden
room and call for Quentin, “Quentin! There’s a lady downstairs
looking for you! Tell us what to do!”
Episode 648
Worldvision Rerun 434
Tape Date: December 11, 1968 (ABC #253-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 18, 1968 Wednesday
Writer: Sam Hall
Director: Lela Swift
But Quentin doesn’t appear. Amy tells David, “Don’t worry,
David. He’ll tell us. We’ll just wait and he will”. The music
starts to play…
The psychic – Janet Findley – comes downstairs, having been
upstairs, and tells Elizabeth, “I felt some astral disturbances
upstairs, but it wasn’t as strong as the energy down here, especially
in the drawing room”. She announces, “Two forces seem to be battling
one another.” She goes into the drawing room and tells Elizabeth,
“I feel the presence of someone whose name begins with the letter
‘M’. It’s an unusual name”. She asks to be left alone to try to
contact this spirit. As Elizabeth is leaving the drawing room,
Madame Findley announces, “There is a curse upon this house. Even
with what little I know, I am certain of that”. Elizabeth leaves
and Madame Findley closes the drawing room doors and tries to contact
the spirit from the seance again, calling for ‘M’ to appear.
This time she is successful and exclaims, “You are here!”.
She asks, “Are the spirits confined to this house? They are?
Confined to a certain room? Yes?” She asks, “Will you lead me
there?”, but the presence vanishes.
Madam Findley comes out into the foyer and asks Elizabeth, “Are
there parts of the house that are closed off that you don’t use?”
Elizabeth replies, “Yes, the east and west wings”. Findley asks to
see the EAST Wing first, saying that’s where her intuition is telling
her to look first. Elizabeth takes her upstairs.
Elizabeth comes back downstairs, leaving the psychic upstairs
by herself. There’s a knock at the door. She answers. It’s
Joe Haskell. He asks to see Amy.
David and Amy come out of the hidden room. David asks Amy,
“Are you sure you understand what Quentin wants you to do?
Your part’s VERY important”. Amy replies, “Yes. I’ll do
exactly what he wants me to do”.
Elizabeth returns with Amy and leaves her alone with Joe in
the drawing room. Joe asks Amy, “Are you happy staying here at
Collinwood?” Amy replies, “Yes. Why do you ask?” Joe replies,
“It’s just that I don’t like the idea of you staying here if you
don’t like it”. Amy remarks, “I’d rather stay with Chris, but
he doesn’t have a place for me”. Janet Findley comes into
the drawing room. She takes the Tarot card, saying, “I’ll use
it as bait”. Amy asks, “You mean like fishing?” Suddenly, Amy
asks Joe, “What’s that on your face, Joe? It’s like a star!”
On Joe’s forehead is a pentagram. Findley looks at Joe too. The
pentagram fades away. Joe looks in the mirror but sees nothing
and says, “I don’t see anything. It must have been your imagination”.
He then tells Amy, “Mrs. Stoddard said Roger wasn’t well. Can you
go and ask her to see if he’s well enough to see me? I’d like to
talk to him”. Amy leaves to do so. Joe remarks to Findley, “She
has quite an imagination”, but Findley tells him, “Mr. Haskell,
I saw the star too. The sign of the pentagram. I wouldn’t ignore it
if I were you”. Joe asks, “But I don’t know what the sign of the
pentagram is”. Findley explains, “It is an ancient symbol. It
may warn of either good or evil, depending on how the points are
arranged”. Joe replies, “And mine must warn of evil, else you
wouldn’t be warning me abou it. What am I supposed to worry about?”
Findley replies, “Being attacked by a wild animal, and animal that
walks like a man”. Joe, finding this ridiculous, laughs and says,
“I guess I have nothing to worry about, then. We don’t have any
animals like that around here”. Elizabeth comes back, as does Amy.
Findley tells Elizabeth, “I’d like to look in the West Wing now”.
Elizabeth replies, “I’d like to talk to Joe outside in private for
a minute. I’ll take you to the West Wing when I come back”. She
and Joe leave.
Amy goes out into the foyer and tells David, “She wants to go to
the West Wing!”. David tells her to go into the drawing room and
talk to Findley.
Amy talks with Findley and keeps her occupied. They are
interrupted by David coming out of the secret entrance to the West
Wing into the drawing room. Findley asks, “Where does that lead
to?”. David replies, “The West Wing”. David and Amy tell her not
to go in, saying there’s nothing in there, but Findley feels
something and remarks, “Yes…” and goes in anyway. After she goes
in, David closes the secret panel and looks at Amy. They both smile.
Elizabeth returns to the drawing room and find Amy and David
sitting on the floor playing jacks. She asks where Janet Findley
went. They tell her Findley left the room, but didn’t say where
she was going. Elizabeth wonders where Findley could have gone,
remarking, “She wanted to see the West Wing, but she couldn’t
be there. She doesn’t know the way”.
Upstairs, Findley goes into the hidden room. She feels
a presence and announces, “You’re here, aren’t you? Yes, I
can feel your presence!” The door slams shut by itself and
locks behind her.
David and Amy come upstair into the West Wing and listen
at the door to the hidden room. They hear Findley talking inside.
They slide a heavy chest in front of the opening in the wall.
Episode 649
Worldvision Rerun 435
Tape Date: December 12, 1968 (ABC #254-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 19, 1968 Thursday
Writer: Ron Sproat
Director: Lela Swift
Findley tries to make contact with the spirit, ordering it,
“You must make your presence known to me!”. The gramophone starts
playing. Findley tells the spirit, “I’m here to help you! I want
to help you!” The music stops. Findley continues, “Allow me to
help you! Allow me to help you rest! Allow me to give you peace!”
There is no reply. Finally, in exasperation, she says, “Well, if you
won’t let me help you, allow me to leave this room!”, but the door
does not unlock. She asks, “Why keep me here if you don’t want my
help? Are you trying to frighten me? I am not afraid!” She sees
a candle on a table and lights it. She feels something and announces,
“Someone died here! I can sense it!”. Suddenly, she feels the
room become cold. The candle goes out. She says, “All right!
I’ll wait for you, then! Appear to me!”.
The clock in the foyer reads 6:15. Elizabeth and Julia are in
the drawing room talking. They talk about Roger and his strange
claim that he had tripped over a wire someone had stretched over
the stairs. Julia remarks, “Maybe Madame Findley can help”.
Elizabeth wonders where Findley could be.
In the hidden room, Findley asks, “Why do you keep me here?”
She relights the candle. She notices the cradle start rocking by
itself. She mutters, “There was a child…” Then the phone rings.
She answers, “Hello? Hello? Who is it? I know there’s someone on
the other end. I can hear you breathing. Say something! Why
don’t you say something?” Then she notices that the telephone cord
isn’t connected…
Elizabeth tells Julia she’ll go look for Findley.
Upstairs in the hidden room, Findley continues to talk into
the phone, “Are you trying to contact me? Speak to me!”, but
there is no reply and she gives up and hangs up. Suddenly,
she smells something and exclaims, “A scent! Perfume! A woman’s
spirit exists in this room! Who are you? Who?” The phone
rings again. Findley firmly says, “I won’t answer it this time!
If you want to contact me, appear to me!”
Elizabeth comes back down into the foyer and tells Julia,
“I can’t find her. I’ve looked everywhere she could be…”
Julia suggests, “Maybe she left”.
In the secret room, the phone continues to ring, and Findley
finally decides to answer it. She exclaims, “Stop it! Why don’t
you leave me alone?” But this time, a voice on the other end
apparently speaks to her. A look of horror appears on her face, but
then she confidently retorts, “NO! I am not going to die! My will is
stronger than yours!” But when she looks in the mirror, she sees a
skeleton looking back…
At the Collinsport Inn, Chris Jennings is in his room
dreading the next night, a night on which there’ll be a full
moon. Joe Haskell drops by and tells Chris that, now that
he’s broken up with Maggie, he’s thinking of leaving Collinsport
and moving to Boston, that he’s already applied for 2 jobs there.
They talk about Amy briefly, then Joe remarks to Chris, “I was at
Collinwood to see Amy earlier. A strange thing happened there. A
woman kook who calls herself a medium told me I was going to die”.
Chris asks, “Why would she say a thing like that?” Joe replies,
“Because of something Amy said she saw. Have you ever heard of the
sign of the pentagram? It’s supposed to warn of sudden death. Amy
said she saw it on my face. She probably heard the woman talking
about it earlier and imagined she saw it on my face”. He laughs and
calls it ridiculous. Chris pretends to laugh and call it ridiculous
too, but suddenly tells Joe, “I’ve got something important to do”
and asks him to leave. After Joe leaves, Chris says to himself,
“Tomorrow night! I can’t let it happen, not to him! I’ve got to do
At Collinwood, Elizabeth hangs up the phone in the foyer and
tells Julia, “Professor Stokes said he hadn’t heard from Findley
and couldn’t reach her at her house”.
In the hidden room, Findley remarks, “Silence, why is it so
silent? I’ve got to get out of here!” She tries the door but finds
it still locked. She asks, “Why do you want to keep me here, why?”,
breaks down and starts to cry. Suddenly, the chandelier starts to
move by itself. Findley asks, “Are you here? Are you in this room?”
The music starts to play again. Findley asks, “Why do you want that
music to play? What does it mean?”. She sees top to the roll top
desk roll down by itself. There is a loud squeaking sound. Findley
looks in the direction of the sound. What she sees terrifies her.
She screams, “NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!…”
There’s a knock at the front door of Collinwood. Elizabeth
answers. It’s Chris. Elizabeth asks, “Are you here to see Amy?”
Chris replies, “No, I came to see Dr. Hoffman”. Elizabeth takes
him to Hoffman, who’s in the foyer, then tells Julia, “I’ll go see
if Madame Findley’s car is still parked down at the gate” and
leaves. Chris asks Julia for some sleeping pills. She asks
him, “Why don’t you just buy some from the drugstore?” Chris
replies, “The non-prescription kinds aren’t strong enough for me.
I need something which will put me to sleep for at least 24 hours”.
Julia asks him why he needs something so strong. Chris lies that he’s
been having insomnia problems that are preventing him from working.
Julia is reluctant to give him the pills, but Chris finally manages to
convince her to get him some. Elizabeth returns and tells Julia,
“Madame Findley’s car is still there. It must mean she’s still
somewhere in the house”. Suddenly, Julia exclaims, “There she is!”
and points to the top of the stairs. Standing at the top of
the stairs Janet Findley, standing perfectly still. Elizabeth
calls to her, “Madame Findley! Where have you been? We’ve been so
worried about you!”. Suddenly, Madame Findley topples over and falls all
the way down the stairs. She is dead…
Episode 650
Worldvision Rerun 436
Tape Date: December 13, 1968 (ABC #255-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 20, 1968 Friday
Writer: Ron Sproat
Director: Lela Swift
Elizabeth and Roger talk about Janet Findley’s death. Elizabeth
tells Roger she doesn’t believe the coroner’s report that Findley
just died of a heart attack. Vicky comes down into the drawing
room and asks Elizabeth, “Could someone else stay with the children
tonight?” Elizabeth replies, “Of course. I’ll have Mrs. Johnson
look after them tonight”. Roger asks Vicky, “Are you going out
tonight?” Vicky replies, “No, my husband Jeff is coming to see
me tonight”. Roger points out, “But Jeff is gone!”. Vicky replies,
“But he’s coming back to see me tonight! I know it!” Roger asks,
“Vicky, why do you think that?” Vicky replies, “I fell asleep this
afternoon and had a dream. He spoke to me in the dream and told me
he was coming to see me tonight”. Roger asks, “Vicky, is that
rational?” Vicky insists, “It’s more than a dream! I know it!
It has to happen!” and leaves. Elizabeth and Roger discuss what
to do about Vicky. Roger asks, “Barnabas hasn’t seen her, has he?”
Elizabeth replies, “Not since the marriage”. Roger suggests,
“Perhaps it would help if he talked to her. They’ve always been
very close”. Elizabeth agrees that Barnabas might be able to help
and Roger leaves to go to the old house to get him.
Upstairs, Vicky clutches Jeff’s watch, hoping that it will
start ticking, indicating Jeff’s presence, “The watch must tick!
Please, Jeff, come to me! Give me a sign!” but nothing happens and
she starts to cry again.
Roger returns with Barnabas. Elizabeth tells Barnabas about Vicky,
“She’s a very disturbed girl, Barnabas, and we don’t seen to be able
to help her”. Barnabas replies, “I’ll do everything I can”.
Vicky continues to beg, “Please, Jeff, I know you’re trying to
reach me! Please, Jeff, I love you!”. Suddenly, the watch starts
ticking. A ghostly oblong of light appears in the room. It whispers,
in Jeff’s voice, “Vicky! Vicky!” Vicky begs, “Jeff! You must come
back! You must appear to me!” The voice replies, “Your love brought me
back, but I can never return!”. Vicky says, “NO! NO!”, but the voice
reiterates, “I can never return!”. Vicky exclaims, “I can never
believe that! I won’t believe it!”. There’s a knock at the door and
the light disappears. Vicky begs, “Don’t leave me, NO! NO!”.
Elizabeth comes in. Vicky tells her, “He was here, Mrs. Stoddard,
Jeff! He said he was never returning to me. What am I going to do?
What am I going to do?” Elizabeth replies, “You’re going to stay
here and we’re going to take care of you”, but Vicky says, “No, I’ve
got to leave Colllinwood and go somewhere else”. Elizabeth protests,
“But you’re part of the family. What are we going to do without you?”
Vicky replies, “I consider you family too, but this house just holds
to many memories for me”. Elizabeth asks, “Where are you going to
go?” Vicky replies, “I don’t know yet. I haven’t thought about it
yet”. Elizabeth says, “You haven’t thought about a lot of things
yet. Perhaps it would be better if we discussed this when you’re
calmer”. She tells Vicky Barnabas has come to see her, then brings
him in and leaves.
Barnabas greets Vicky, “Hello”. Vicky replies, “Hello, Barnabas.
I’m so glad to see you. If you hadn’t come to see me, I would’ve
gone to see you to say goodbye”. Barnabas asks, “Goodbye?” Vicky
explains, “I’ve just told Mrs. Stoddard I’m leaving Collinwood”.
Barnabas asks, “Why?” Vicky explains that there are too many memories
at Collinwood and says, “I have to go away. Where, I don’t know, but
I have to go”. Barnabas tells her, “I think you’re making a mistake
deserting the people who love you”. Vicky replies, “I’m not deserting
any of you”. Barnabas asks, “Vicky, if you must go, let me take you
away. Be my wife. Vicky, I’ll try to make you happy. I’ll do
anything to make you happy. Please consider going away with me as
my wife”. Vicky replies, “You’re the most considerate person I
know. I’m very honored that you want me to be your wife, but I have
to say no. If I had never met Jeff, I’d say yes, but I still love
Jeff”. Barnabas protests, “But Jeff isn’t returning”. Vicky
explains, “Because of my love for him, part of him will always
exist, in me”. Barnabas asks, “When are you leaving Collinsport?”
Vicky replies, “I don’t know. As soon as possible”. Barnabas
tells her, “Then perhaps this shall be our final farewell. Goodbye,
Vicky”. Vicky replies sadly, “Goodbye, Barnabas”. As Barnabas
turns to go, Vicky tells him, “Barnabas, wherever I go, whatever
happens to me, I’ll never forget you”. Barnabas replies, “And I’ll
never forget you” and leaves.
Vicky sits back down at the dresser and begs, “Jeff! Why can’t
you return? Why must I spend the rest of my life without you?”
puts her head down on her arms and starts crying. The light
appears again, but this time it solidifies as Jeff/Peter. Jeff
touches Vicky on the arm. Vicky looks up, sees him and exclaims,
“Jeff! Oh you’ve returned!” Jeff replies, “Yes. Your love brought
me back”. They embrace. Vicky says, “I can’t believe it! I thought
I had lost you forever!”. Jeff replies, “Listen carefully, Vicky.
I didn’t choose to come back. Your love brought me back, but
you’ve got to forget me because of what I am. I’m Peter Bradford.
I have to go back to my own century”. Vicky protests, “But you’re
here! You’re real!”. Jeff replies, “But only for a few minutes.
When that clock strikes the hour, I’ll go back again. Centuries
separate us”. The clock in Vicky’s room shows a few minutes to
eight. Vicky exclaims, “I love you! I’ll always love you!”,
and hugs Jeff. She begs, “Take me back with you! Take me back
into the past!”. Jeff replies, “No, it’s too dangerous. You belong
here”. Vicky begs, “I’ll never be happy here! Please, take me back
with you!”.
In the drawing room, Roger is talking to Barnabas, telling him,
“It’s too bad my business trip to London can’t be postponed with
so many things happening at Collinwood”. He asks Barnabas to
watch over Vicky while he’s away. Elizabeth comes down the stairs.
She tells Roger she saw his taxi coming up the road from an upstairs
window. Roger takes his luggage and leaves. Elizabeth is surprised
to find Barnabas in the drawing room and asks, “Barnabas! What are you
doing here?” Barnabas asks, “What do you mean?” Elizabeth replies,
“I just passed Vicky’s door and heard her talking with a man. I
assumed it was you!” They both rush upstairs.
Inside Vicky’s room, Jeff instructs Vicky to hold both his hands
with both her hands. He warns her, “You may feel lost in another
century”. Vicky replies, “Not if I’m with you”. Jeff asks, “Are
you sure?” Vicky replies, “I’m sure”. Barnabas and Elizabeth arrive
outside. Barnabas tries the door but finds it locked. He breaks
it down with his shoulder. He and Elizabeth are surprised to see
Jeff and Vicky in there holding hands. The clock is striking the
hour. Barnabas walks into the room and starts to walk towards them,
but is shocked to see them fade away into nothing…
Episode 651
Worldvision Rerun 437
Tape Date: December 16, 1968 (ABC #256-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 23, 1968 Monday
Writer: Gordon Russell
Director: Lela Swift
Barnabas and Elizabeth discuss what they saw happen to Vicky.
Elizabeth asks, “How is it possible? One moment she was there,
the next, she was gone!”. Barnabas replies, “I don’t know”.
Elizabeth suddenly starts to babble about dying again, saying,
“My time is near. Soon, I am going to die…”.
At the Collinsport Inn, Chris is getting desperate as it starts
to get dark. He calls the switchboard and asks,”Operator, give
me 7758 please, and hurry!”. The phone at Collinwood rings.
Barnabas answers it. Chris says, “I’d like to speak to Dr. Hoffman.
She was supposed to come and see me tonight”, but Barnabas tells
him, “She can’t come to the phone right now. There’s been an
emergency with Mrs. Stoddard”. Chris protests, “THIS is an
emergency!”, but Barnabas reiterates, “It’s just not possible
for her to come to the phone and talk to you right now. I’ll
have her call you back as soon as she can”. Chris dejectedly
replies, “All right, please do that” and hangs up.
Julia comes down and tells Barnabas that Elizabeth’s had a
serious relapse caused by what she saw. Barnabas asks, “Did she
tell you about Vicky?” Julia replies, “Yes”. Barnabas goes to
look out the drawing room window and moans, “I can’t imagine what
life would be without her. Why did he have to come back for her?”
but Julia tells him, “It was her decision. I had several
conversations with her, and she said she wanted to go back to
him”, but Barnabas tells her, “I still blame him for taking her
away”. Dejected, he tells Julia, “I’d like to go up to talk
to Elizabeth, but I’d like you to be with me”. As they turn to go,
Barnabas suddenly remembers the phone call and tells Julia, “By
the way, Chris Jennings called. He said it was urgent”, but Julia
replies, “I know what he called about. I’ll call him back later”.
They go upstairs to see Elizabeth.
At the Collinsport Inn, Chris becomes impatient, puts his coat
on and leaves.
Joe Haskell brings Amy back to Collinwood, having taken her
out for the night. Outside Collinwood, Amy looks up at the full
moon. Joe asks, “What are you doing?” Amy replies, “Looking at
the moon”. Joe asks, “Why? It is different tonight?” Amy replies,
“Sometimes it scares me”. Joe assures her, “It can’t hurt you.
It’s much too far away”. They go inside into the foyer. Amy
thanks Joe for taking her out, adding, “Too bad Chris couldn’t
make it”. Trying to sound optimistic, she remarks, “I’m sure
when he gets a job and a place to live, he’ll be able to take
care of me”. Joe asks her about the pentagram she had seen on
his face, “Remember seeing the star on my face?” Amy replies,
“Yes”. Joe asks, “Do you see it on other people’s faces?”
Amy replies, “No”. Joe asks, “Do you see it on my face now?”
Amy replies, “No, only yesterday. Maybe I imagined it”.
After Joe leaves, Amy starts upstairs. As she gets to the
landing, Elizabeth comes out from the bedroom hallway door.
Amy says, “Hello, Mrs. Stoddard”, but Elizabeth just walks past
her without replying, goes down the stairs and goes out the
front doors.
Later, Barnabas finds Amy with the front door open staring
at the moon. He takes he into the drawing room and tells her he
has something very important to tell her. He tells her that
Elizabeth is not well. Amy replies that that explains why
Elizabeth was acting so strangely when she last saw her, that
Elizabeth walked right past her and left the house without saying
a word. Barnabas tells Amy to stay in the drawing room goes and
notifies Julia that Elizabeth has escaped. However, while he’s gone,
Amy, instead of staying in the drawing room, goes out the front doors.
When Barnabas and Julia come down, they find Amy gone. Barnabas
leaves to search for both Amy and Elizabeth. Julia, remembering
Chris’ call, goes to the phone, but just as she lifts the receiver,
there’s a knock at the front door. She answers it. It’s Chris.
He asks Julia for the pills he asked for earlier. Julia becomes
suspicious and asks Chris why he’s acting so strangely. Chris
replies that he’s just acting strangely due to lack of sleep. Julia
gives him the pills.
Amy follows Elizabeth to the Collins family mausoleum. She
tries to talk to Elizabeth, but Elizabeth keeps talking about
dying, saying, “The dead are here. Soon I will join them” then
collapses, unconscious. Barnabas arrives. He checks Elizabeth’s
pulse, finds she’s alive and takes Amy and Elizabeth back to
Chris, back in his room at the Collinsport Inn, takes the
sleeping pills. There’s a knock at the door. Chris asks, “Who
is it?” He is shocked when a voice calls back, “Joe”. Chris calls
through the closed door that he’s not feeling well, but Joe is
insistent, saying, “It’ll only take a few minutes”. Chris lets
him in. Joe sarcastically remarks, “Sick? Maybe it’s your
conscience”. He tells Chris, “I just wanted to let you know I took
Amy out tonight” and castigates him for not taking Amy out tonight
as promised, saying, “She can’t understand why you don’t love her”.
Chris protests, “I DO love her!”. Joe replies, “You never seem
to show her any sign you do”. Chris suddenly tells Joe, “Joe,
get out of here! You’ve got to leave!”. Joe asks, “Is that a
threat?” Chris replies, “If you want to take it that way”.
Joe tells Chris, “You’d better start doing something about Amy,
and do it soon, or you’ll have to answer to ME!” Chris replies,
“All right, I’ll take her out tomorrow, now go!”. Joe leaves.
Chris lies down in bed and goes into a deep sleep. He then
transforms into a werewolf…
Episode 652/653
Worldvision Rerun 438
Tape Date: December 17, 1968 (ABC #257-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 24, 1968 Tuesday
Writer: Gordon Russell
Director: Lela Swift
Amy and Barnabas return to Collinwood with Elizabeth. Barnabas
takes Elizabeth up to her room. Amy opens the front doors and
stares at the full moon again. At the Collinsport Inn, the
werewolf is sleeping peacefully.
Upstairs, Elizabeth tells Barnabas that she hasn’t taken
the sedatative Julia gave her, saying, “If I do, I may not wake
up!”. She asks Barnabas, “Can’t you hear the Widows crying?”
Barnabas replies, “Of course not!”. Elizabeth explains, “I do.
I heard them earlier. That’s why I left the house”. Barnabas,
not knowing what to do, remarks, “I’ll get Dr. Hoffman”, but
Elizabeth tells him, “No, there’s something I must talk to you
about. I won’t be here much longer. You must find someone to
take care of the children TONIGHT!”. Barnabas protests, “How
would I be able to find someone at such short notice?”. Elizabeth
suggests Maggie Evans.
Barnabas goes downstairs and finds Amy staring at the moon. He
takes her into the drawing room and starts to scold her for running
out of the house earlier, but then notices that she’s been crying
and asks her why. Amy replies, “I’m afraid”. Barnabas asks, “Of
what? Of what happened to Mrs. Stoddard?” Amy replies, “No. I was
afraid of the moon, and I don’t know why…”
At the Collinsport Inn, the werewolf awakens and leaves the
hotel room.
Joe shows up at the Evan’s cottage and tells Maggie, “I came
to say goodbye, Maggie. I’m going to be leaving Collinsport”.
Maggie asks, “For how long?” Joe replies, “I don’t know. Maybe
for good”. Maggie asks, “When are you leaving?” Joe replies, “In
a few days. I didn’t want to leave without making sure we parted
good friends”. Maggie assures him, “We are good friends, Joe, and
always will be”. Maggie gets a phone call from Barnabas telling her
Elizabeth wants her to come to Collinwood. He tells her, “Something
has happened. Vicky has gone. It’s difficult to explain how…”
Joe and Maggie are in the drawing room at Collinwood. Barnabas
has just told them about Vicky’s mysterious disappearance. Joe
exclaims, “Vicky just disappeared?!”. Barnabas replies, “Yes. I
know it’s hard to believe, but Mrs. Stoddard and I saw it happen”.
He then takes Maggie upstairs to talk to Elizabeth.
Downstairs, Amy comes into the drawing room. Joe tells Amy,
“I’ve got good news for you. You know what I did tonight? I saw
Chris. He told me he’s coming to take you out tomorrow and is going
to see a lot more of you from now on”. Amy sees the pentagram on
Joe’s face again. Joe, seeing the look on Amy’s face, asks, “What’s
wrong?” Amy exclaims, “I saw it again! The star on your face! It
was there for just a second and went away! Please stay here tonight!
I’m sure Mrs. Stoddard would let you. If you stayed here tonight,
I’d know you’d be safe”. Joe asks, “Safe? What are you talking
about?” Amy replies, “I’m afraid if you go back into town,
something will happen to you!”.
Upstairs, Elizabeth finishes telling Maggie about the governess
job, “The arrangement will be the same for Vicky. The schedule
will be the same, unless you want a different one…”. Maggie
replies, “It’ll be fine. When do I start?” Elizabeth replies,
“Immediately”. Maggie asks, “Immediately?”. Elizabeth tells her,
“You don’t have to move your things here tonight, of course. That
can wait till tomorrow. I’ll have someone help you move”. Maggie
replies, “I’ll need to pick up a few things, thought. Joe’s
downstairs. He can drive me”.
Maggie comes downstairs. Joe asks, “Ready to leave?” Maggie
replies, “I need your help. Mrs. Stoddard wants me to replace
Vicky, and she wants me to start tonight.” Amy exclaims, “You’re
going to be our new governess? Great!”. Maggie continues, “I have
to go back to the cottage to get a few things”. Joe tells her,
“You don’t have to go. I’ll get them for you”. Maggie tells him,
“Thanks. I’ll make a list”. Amy again begs Joe not to go into
town, but Joe just tells her, “You should go to bed. You’re too
tired, and you know what happens when you’re too tired? You start
saying strange things”. Maggie gives Joe her list. Amy says,
“Goodbye, Joe” in a tone of finality.
After Joe leaves, Maggie tries to tell Amy to go up to bed,
but Amy says, “I won’t be able to go to bed until Joe gets back
and I know he’s all right”. Maggie asks, “All right?” Amy
explains, “I have the feeling he’s in some kind of terrible
danger”. Maggie asks, “What kind of danger?” Amy replies, “I
don’t know”.
Joe goes to the Evan’s cottage to get Maggie’s things.
He hears a low growling coming from outside. The werewolf
comes bursting in through the window and attacks him.
December 25, 1968 Wednesday – No show aired. Christmas.
Pre-empted for basketball. (ABC #258-DRK-68)
Episode 654
Worldvision Rerun 439
Tape Date: December 18, 1968 (ABC #259-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 26, 1968 Thursday
Writer: Sam Hall
Director: Lela Swift
After a fierce struggle with the werewolf, Joe manages to grab
a pair of scissors and stabs the werewolf in the arm. The
werewolf flees.
At Collinwood, Maggie looks at the clock in the foyer. It
reads 11:30. She remarks, “What’s taking him so long? He
should’ve been back by now”. Barnabas suggests, “Perhaps he had
trouble finding some of the things on your list”, but Maggie
replies, “There weren’t that many things on the list. Maybe
I should call and see what’s taking him so long”.
At the Evan’s cottage, the phone rings. Joe, injured, manages
to struggle over to the phone and picks up the receiver, but
collapses before he can say anything.
At Collinwood, Maggie tells Barnabas, “Someone picked up
the phone, but no one answered! Barnabas, something’s happened!”
Barnabas volunteers, “I’ll go and see if anything’s wrong”.
Maggie remarks, “Maybe nothing’s wrong. Maybe it’s just Joe.
He’s done so many things recently I don’t understand. Perhaps
this is just another one of them…”
When Barnabas arrives at the Evan’s cottage, he finds Joe
bloodied and injured and asks, “What happened here, Joe??”.
At Collinwood, Maggie is talking with Julia. Maggie asks,
“Julia, do you think I’ll be able to handle David? He was so
attached to Vicky, I’m afraid he’ll resent me”. Julia assures
her that she will, but says, “The only question is whether
you’ll like being a governess”. Julia goes upstairs to check
on Elizabeth.
Barnabas brings Joe in through the front doors. Maggie
exclaims, “JOE!”. Barnabas tells her, “Go get Julia!”.
Maggie goes upstairs to do so.
Barnabas has put Joe in the drawing room. Barnabas asks Joe,
“All right?” Joe, who has given Barnabas a description of the
creature that attacked him on the way, now changes his mind and
says, “Yes. Barnabas, maybe I was wrong when I described the
animal to you”. Barnabas asks, “How could you have been mistaken?
A wolf that walks like a man? That’s exactly what Elizabeth saw!
This animal must be found!”
At the Collinsport Inn, the injured werewolf returns to
Chris’ room and collapses.
While treating Joe’s wounds, Julia remarks to him that
they should call the police, but Joe is adamant that they
do not, but does not say why. After Julia finishes and leaves,
Maggie comes in to talk to Joe. She tells him, “I think you’d
better stay here tonight”, but Joe replies, “No, there’s something
I have to do”, but Maggie says firmly, “It’s settled” and refuses to
let him go. She notices he is grasping a piece of cloth in his
hand and asks, “What’s that?” Joe replies, “Nothing, nothing
at all”.
In the morning, Chris wakes up. He telephones the operator
and asks for, “Joe Haskell, on Dock St.”. He thinks to himself,
“What’ll I say to him if he answers? At least I’ll know if he’s
all right. Why don’t I say it? Alive. At least I’ll know if
he’s alive”. But the phone just rings and rings. Nobody answers.
Chris tries to reassure himself, “You don’t know for sure. He may
just be out. Find out! Find out!” He changes out of his torn
shirt, throwing it on the bureau, and leaves.
Maggie and Julia go to the Evan’s cottage. They are shocked
to see how everything in the living room is in such disarray.
Maggie remarks, “Funny, it’s taken something like to make me
realize that my future here is over. Since Pop died, I’ve been
waiting for something to happen, something to set me free, and
now this happens. Now I’ll start the new life I knew I’d have
to”. Julia, still astounded by the disarray, asks, “What a mess!
What kind of animal could it have been?”
Chris is at Collinwood. Amy is telling him about her new
governess. Maggie returns. Chris tells her, “Maggie, I’ve
been unable to find Joe”. Maggie starts to tell him that
something’s happened to Joe. Chris grabs her and demands,
“What happened to him?” Maggie protests, “Chris, you’re
hurting me!”, but Chris insists, “Tell me!”
Joe is outside Chris’s room, knocking on the door. There
is no answer.
Maggie finishes telling Chris what happened to Joe, “Joe
didn’t call the police. That animal has got to be caught!”
Chris suddenly asks, “What time is it?” Maggie replies, “5:30”.
Julia comes down into the room. Chris complains, “Those sleeping
pills you gave me didn’t work. You’ve got to give me something
stronger”. Julia asks, “How many did you take?” Chris replies,
“All three”. Julia exclaims, “All three?!” Chris asks, “You’ve
got to give me something stronger”. Julia replies, “I don’t
know of anything stronger!”
Joe is in Chris’ room at the Collinsport Inn. He finds
a torn shirt lying on top of the dresser. He takes out the
piece of cloth he had torn from the werewolf’s shirt. He
compare it with the shirt and finds they match. Chris returns.
Joe hold up the shirt and the piece of cloth and asks, “What
does this mean?”, but Chris just replies, “I think you’d better
get out of here”. Joe replies, “No Chris, not until you’ve
answered some questions”. Chris remarks, “The moon’s about to
rise…”. Joe continues, “Answer me, Chris! Tell me what it is!”
Chris begs, “Joe, you’ve got to get out of here!”, but Joe replies,
“I won’t leave until I get an explanation”. Chris tries to
throw Joe out physically, but finds he can’t because Joe is bigger
than he is. Suddenly, Chris starts to feel the wolf pains and
gasps, “Oh! It’s happening! Will you get out?! I don’t want you
to see this! I don’t want anyone to see this! Will you get out?!”,
but Joe still refuses to leave. Chris warns him, “You stay here
and watch. After you see what happens, you’ll never be the same!
Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” The wolf pains start to get bad
and he screams, “AHHHH!!”. Joe, alarmed, tells Chris, “I’ll get
a doctor”, but Chris replies, “No, it’ll pass. You’ve always
wondered why Cousin Chris left town. I should’ve stayed away.
There’s no time! Get over to the drawer! Go on!”. Joe goes
over to the drawer. Chris tells him, “Open it! Open the drawer!”.
Joe does so and sees a revolver inside. Puzzled, he asks, “A
pistol?” Chris tells him, “Take it out! Go on, take it out!”.
Joe does so. Chris continues, “Joe, when it happens, do it!
You’ll know what I mean!”, then turns into a werewolf. Joe
exclaims, “MY GOD! MY GOD! NO! NO!” The werewolf starts to
approach menacingly. Joe shoots it multiple times. The werewolf
at first stumbles and appears to be injured, but then recovers
and starts coming at Joe again, apparently little affected by the
Episode 655
Worldvision Rerun 440
Tape Date: December 19, 1968 (ABC #260-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 27, 1968 Friday
Writer: Sam Hall
Director: Henry Kaplan
Carolyn returns to Collinwood to see her mother.
Joe goes into Collinwood in a very sneaky fashion. He is
acting very strangely.
Elizabeth has a dream in which she meets Amy in the woods.
Cassandra appears and Amy disappears. Cassandra walks towards
Elizabeth, one arm outstretched, telling her, “When I touch you,
you will die!”. Elizabeth awakens, screaming. Julia and Carolyn
rush into the room to see what’s the matter. Elizabeth tells
them about the dream and tells them it means she’ll die soon
and also that Amy is in danger.
Joe sneaks into Amy’s room and starts to pack up her clothes,
all the while talking to himself, making mysterious comments
like, “She must not find out!” and “I’ve got to save her! Save
her! Yes, save her!”. Amy, who’s in bed, awakens, sees Joe and
asks, “Joe! What are you doing?”. Joe replies, “We’re going far,
far away from here!”. Amy replies, “I don’t want to go!”, but Joe
replies, “It’s settled! Go get your coat!”. Amy tells him, “I’ve
got to say goodbye to Mrs. Stoddard…” Joe sternly tells her,
“No!” Amy cries, “Joe, I don’t want to go with you! You’re
acting so strangely!” Joe replies, “You know what’s going to
happen if you don’t come with me? You know what you’re going
to find out?” He vows, “No, you’re never going to find out!
I’ll see to that! You’ll never find out! Never!”. He kidnaps
her without taking the clothes.
To ease Elizabeth’s mind, Julia and Carolyn goe to Amy’s room.
They find Amy gone, a hastily packed suitcase in the room. Julia
suggests that they check with David to see if he knows where
Amy is. Carolyn asks, “What should we tell mother?” Julia
replies, “Lie to her! If we tell her her fears about Amy were
right, she’ll believe her fears about herself were right too!”.
They lie to Elizabeth about Amy, then, thinking they’ve got her
safely in her room, go out to search for Amy. But Elizabeth wanders
out of her room and goes into Amy’s room and finds that she isn’t
there. Instead, Cassandra appears from the shadows and tells her
that it’s happening just like in the dream, where Amy disappeared
too. Cassandra starts to approach Elizabeth with an arm
Joe, carrying Amy through the woods, senses something and
pauses. He starts to argue with it, saying, “You can’t have
her!” While he’s busy arguing, he lets go of Amy momentarily
and she escapes.
At Collinwood, Julia calls the Collinsport Inn and asks
for Chris, but is told that Chris isn’t there. She asks if
Amy has shown up there to see Chris. She is told she hasn’t.
She is just about to call the police when Amy comes in through the
front door. Joe comes in right behind her. He tries to grab her
again, but she eludes him and runs upstairs. Julia tells Joe,
“Joe! Leave Amy alone!”. Joe replies, “No! You don’t understand!
The animal! She’ll know! She’ll find out! OH NO! I’ve got to
get her! I’m the only one who knows! In that room!”. Julia
tries to calm him down, “Joe, whatever attacked you in that room
is no danger to Amy in this house”. Joe just laughs at the depth
of her misunderstanding and says, “You don’t know!! YOU DON’T KNOW!!”.
Julia slaps him to try to bring him to his senses then apoligizes,
“Sorry, Joe”. Suddenly, Julia hears a scream coming from upstairs.
She tells Joe, “Wait here!”, and runs upstairs. Joe, disobeying
her, leaves.
Julia runs up to Amy’s room where she finds Carolyn standing
over an unconcious Elizabeth. Elizabeth is thinking to herself,
“What can’t I move? What can’t I let them know?” Julia examines
Elizabeth and tells a stunned Carolyn, “I’m sorry, Carolyn. Your
mother’s dead”. Carolyn is devastated. Meanwhile, Elizabeth
lies there thinking, “I’m not! I’m not! I must make them know!
I’m not dead!”
Episode 656
Worldvision Rerun 441
Tape Date: December 26, 1968 (ABC #261-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 30, 1968 Monday
Writer: Ron Sproat
Director: Henry Kaplan
Amy has taken David to Quentin’s hidden room. Amy tells David,
“Quentin wants to see you”, but David, saddened by his aunt’s death,
replies, “I don’t want to see anyone”. Amy tells him, “I keep
tellling you, your Aunt Elizabeth isn’t dead! Everyone thinks she
is, but she isn’t!” David replies, “I don’t believe you”. Amy
tells him, “Quentin will tell you”. Amy calls for Quentin to
appear. Quentin’s music starts to play. An evil laugh fills the
It is a little later. Quentin has apparently contacted the
children. Amy asks David, “Feel better?” David replies, “Yes”.
Amy tells him, “I told you you’d feel better after talking to
Quentin”. David remarks, “We’d better go down and do it”. Amy
asks, “Why does he want us to do it?” David replies, “We’re
not supposed to ask any questions, just do it”.
Barnabas is at Collinwood. Mrs. Johnson asks him if he’s
managed to contact Roger in London and tell him the bad news about
Elizabeth yet. Barnabas replies that he hasn’t. Mrs. Johnson asks
Barnabas why he isn’t making funeral arrangements yet. Barnabas
explains to Mrs. Johnson Elizabeth’s strange requests, that
arrangements have already been made, that Elizabeth’s entombment
won’t be an ordinary one and will be secret. Moments later, a man
comes calling*. He tells them he’s from the funeral home and is
saddened to learn of Elizabeth’s death. Barnabas asks the man how
he found out. The man replies that someone from Collinwood – a man –
had telephoned him and told him. Barnabas tells him, “It must have
been some sort of mistake” and sends the man away.
David and Amy go up to the hidden room and apoligizes to
Quentin for failing, telling him David made the telephone call as
ordered, but Barnabas sent the man away.
Barnabas tells Maggie he thinks it would be a good idea
for him to take the children away from Collinwood for awhile
and asks her if she’d be willing to come along on an extended
visit to Boston in a few days to take care of them. Maggie
replies yes. Later, he tells the children about the trip.
They pretend to be delighted with the idea, but after Barnabas
leaves, wonder what to do, as Quentin has told them never to
leave the house.
Mrs. Johnson and Maggie are in Vicky’s room, packing Vicky’s
clothes and things away. While packing away a green dress,
they reminisce about how beautiful Vicky was in it. Barnabas
comes in and tells Maggie to be ready in a few days. Mrs. Johnson
tells Barnabas she’s packing up Vicky’s things and asks him what he
want’s her to do with them. Seeing Vicky’s things upsets Barnabas,
and he tells her, “Throw them away, burn them, do whatever you
wants with them!” She shows him Josette’s music box and asks about
that, saying, “I know you gave it to her. I thought you’d like it
back”. The upsets Barnabas even more, and he tells Mrs. Johnson he
doesn’t care what she does with that either. Maggie lifts the lid
to the music box and listens to the music for a couple of seconds,
but doesn’t seem to have any memory of it. She shuts the lid and
puts it in a box with the rest of Vicky’s things. Maggie and
Mrs. Johnson finish packing up Vicky’s things, and Mrs. Johnson
leaves. Barnabas and Maggie talk briefly, then Maggie leaves
too. Barnabas tells himself, “Vicky, I’ve got to forget you!
I’ve got to!”.
David and Amy go to Quentin’s hidden room and asks Quentin
what he wants them to do…
Maggie comes out of the drawing room into the foyer. At the
same time, Mrs. Johnson comes out from the door under the stairs.
Mrs. Johnson tells Maggie she’s put Vicky’s things down in the
basement because she couldn’t bear to throw them away. Maggie
tells Mrs. Johnson that she can’t find the children, that she’s
been looking for them. While they are talking, David and Amy
come out of the secret passage into the drawing room. Maggie
hears the piano in the drawing room playing. She goes in and finds
them in there. This surprises her, as she had just searched there.
She tells the children this and asks them how it’s possible. They
laugh and tell her they were hiding in the drawing room all alone as
a joke.
Maggie goes upstairs to her room (formerly Vicky’s), to
unpack her clothes. She goes to the armoire but finds that
Vicky’s clothes have returned. She loudly calls Mrs. Johnson and
shows her this, but Mrs. Johnson tells her, “I put those clothes
in the basement. You saw me taking them down there yourself”.
She suggests, “It’s a sign! It’s a message!” Having heard
Maggie’s loud calls for Mrs. Johnson, Barnabas comes into the
room and asks what’s wrong. Maggie tells him about Vicky’s clothes
reappearing in the room Mrs. Johnson continues, “It’s a sign from
Vicky! She’s trying to reach us and tells us she’s coming back!”
Episode 657
Worldvision Rerun 442
Tape Date: December 23, 1968 (ABC #262-DRK-68)
Air Date: December 31, 1968 Tuesday
Writer: Gordon Russell
Director: Henry Kaplan
This upsets Barnabas again. Mrs. Johnson points out that
the music box is back too, sitting on a table, then exclaims,
“Her scent! The scent of lilacs, the perfume Vicky always
wore!”. Barnabas dismisses this, saying, “Of course. This
was Vicky’s room. Of course you’d smell her perfume in here”
and tells Mrs. Johnson to leave. Maggie asks, “Barnabas, do
you really think she’s trying to reach us?” Barnabas replies,
“NO! She’ll never return. We’ll have to face that fact whether
we like it or not!”. Amy and David come into the room, pretending
to be excited about their upcoming trip. Amy tells Barnabas that
they’ve taken the clothing they want to take with them out and
asks for help in packing them. Maggie accompanies Amy to her room
to help her pack, David going along too. After they all leave,
Barnabas picks up Josette’s music box, opens the lid and plays
the music.
But when Maggie, Amy and David get to Amy’s room, all the
clothing which Amy says she had put on the bed are back in the
armoire. Maggie is baffled. Barnabas comes into the room.
David tells him what happened. Amy theorizies, “Maybe someone
doesn’t want us to go away!” and asks, “Do you know who, Barnabas?”.
Barnabas replies that he thinks they’re making too much out of
nothing and tells them to pack.
Chris comes to Collinwood and asks Mrs. Johnson, “Has Amy
gotten any visitors recently? In particular, I’m talking about
my cousin Joe Haskell. I’ve been looking for him for several
days and haven’t been able to find him”. Mrs. Johnson tells
him that Joe had been here. Chris asks who Joe talked to. Mrs.
Johnson replies that she thinks he talked to Barnabas.
Maggie helps Amy pack. David and Amy asks Maggie, “Maggie,
I heard you and Barnabas talking. Why did Vicky leave? No one
really explained it to me”. Maggie replies, “She went away
with her husband. She went to live where he lives, far, far
away”. David asks, “Will she write to me? It’s funny that
she hasn’t written to me already”. Maggie, visibly upset by
all this, now becomes angry at David and shouts at him to stop,
then apologizes, saying she has a headache. She continues
packing for Amy. The children look at each other and smile.
Barnabas comes down into the foyer to talk to Chris. He
tells Chris, “Come into the drawing room. There’s something
I want to talk to you about”. They go into the drawing room.
Chris nervously asks, “What’s it about?” Barnabas replies,
“It’s about Amy”. Chris, sounding relieved, says, “Oh, Amy”.
Barnabas tells Chris, “I’m planning to take her on a trip to Boston.
Do I have your permission to take her?” Chris replies, “If she
wants to go, fine. Sorry if I seem distracted, but I have something
else on my mind. I’ve been looking for Joe Haskell for a few days.
I heard he’d been here”. Barnabas replies, “Yes, here. Be prepared
for a shock. Joe is mentally ill. He tried to kidnap Amy. He
was sayin all sorts of strange things”. Chris asks, “What?”
Barnabas replies, “I don’t remember. He wasn’t very coherent”.
Barnabas notes, “You don’t seem very surprised. Why?” Chris
replies, “I’ve seen it coming for quite some time”.
Maggie finishes packing Amy’s things and leaves. Amy tells
David, “David, it isn’t working!” David replies, “It is.
You can see they’re becoming scared”. Amy points out, “But not
scared enough! We’re still going to Boston!”. David replies,
“Then we’ll just have to scare them some more”. Amy asks, “How?”
David replies, “I don’t know. I’ll just have to ask Quentin.
He’ll know. Don’t worry. We’ll never have to leave this house!”
David goes and tells Mrs. Johnson, “Mrs. Johnson! My clothes!
They’ve come back in my closet too!” Mrs. Johnson, getting
suspicious now, asks, “David, you children aren’t playing a prank,
are you?” David denies it and suggests, “Maybe someone’s playing
a prank on US! Maybe a ghost!” Mrs. Johnson seems to becomes
frightened by this.
Later that night, Maggie is in her room reading a book.
Josette’s music box opens by itself and starts to play.
Maggie finds a note on the dresser. It reads, “I am alone.
Help me! Help me!”.
Barnabas is down in the drawing room with the children.
Amy asks, “Will you take us to the Boston zoo?” Barnbas
replies, “If you’re good, Amy”. Amy remarks, “I’ve never been
to a zoo before”. David tells her, “You’ll love it! It’s lots
of fun!”.
Maggie rushes downstairs into the drawing room, where she finds
the children talking to Barnabas, pretending to be excited about
seeing the Boston zoo. She tells Barnabas, “I’ve got to talk to
you!” and tells the children to go to bed. The children
pretend to leave, but actually hide in the foyer and eavesdrop.
Maggie tells Barnabas, “I found this in my room. The music
box started to play all by itself, then I found this on bureau”.
Barnabas reads the note and gasps, “I didn’t want to believe
it before!”. Maggie asks, “Do you think Vicky is trying to
contact us?” Barnabas replies, “Yes”. Maggie asks, “What are
we going to do?” Barnabas replies, “There’s one thing we can’t
do. We can’t leave this house. Vicky needs our help and we’re
going to and help her!”.
The children go upstairs, ecstactic that their plan to
stop the trip has worked. But then Amy notes, “But Maggie also
said the music box opened by itself. Quentin can’t do that!”
David says, “That’s right!”. Amy asks, “Then who did do it?”
David replies, “I don’t know”.